Hover Effects
Nevermore will i be hurt, or stabbed in the heart with venemous words and looks, nevermore will my heart break of missing and wishing, nevermore will i hurt anyone, or cause them pain. Yes everyone's caused that to me. I was a rag doll everyone wanted to be squashed like a bug. YES NOW I AM LIKE THE RAVEN I WILL SIT AND WATCH AND LISTEN BUT I WILL NEVER BE HURT, NEVERMORE!!!CURRENT MOON moon infoMost people are better stuffed.!!!!!!!!
I love variety, Variety in the day or night, Any general type of music is un becoming of me, Differnet day, Different relaxing method of music. I have been listening to alot of alternative music lately, So NO not just one type, I love them all especially the ones that are heartfelt and make your toes curl.
OK.. While everyone else is out partying, I am at home watching some form of movie,. I am a fanatic, from every angle depending on the mood of the night, or the level of stress, or frustration in my life. I realize that a movie can be a release, yet it is also a time consuming entertainment to make the night or day go by faster.
Boy is my life boring, yep I am here to admit it. I am a Fox watcher though, My lonely lazy nights I turn the boob tube on and drift away in my thoughts, Its always after 8pm that i really get to watch T.V. Lifes busy-ness whom has time? Oh yah CSI.... Can not forget the older man that sets me a blaze once a week! ;)
I just finished-Confessions of a wicked step- sister, Wicked, Yet i have read a list of books-Interview with a vampire, Queen of the Damned, Anne Rice....To Dean Koontz, to Stephen King. I have also read everyone of VC Andrews books... yes i guess i was drawn to them because they had family secrets so i figure i wasn't alone. We all walk in our own paths in this world. The complete works of Egar Allen Poe, and Shakespear.... Into which i have learned to be silent..
MOST PEOPLE ARE BETTER STUFFED, I am my own hero, for all the stuff i had to eat with a fork growing up.33"The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them"