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An Individual That Stands Alone

About Me

well there's alot to tell but for now you can know this/i like racing ,making music,watching educational films,learning everything i can,training,some reading,interacting with exotic animals,playing with weponry,enjoying nature,observing people in fucked up situations,practicing tactical monuvers,revising fixing and building everything,and laughing at people who fallow trendz.

My Interests

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The beginning:Ár var alda, það er ekki var, var-a sandur né sær né svalar unnir; jörð fannst æva né upphiminn, gap var ginnunga en gras hvergi. In ancient times, when Ymir lived, there was sand nor sea nor cold waves; earth did not exist nor the heavens above, only a yawning void and grass nowhere.(Voluspá)The beginning of existence: Around 20 billion years ago the universe was a yawning void that contained a gigantic amount of energy, there was no time, no matter, no existence, until suddenly the energy reacted and caused an explosion that was so enormous that our human minds cannot possibly comprehend it, this explosion is called the Big Bang. Whether the Big Bang was just a scientifical coincidence or a divine intervention is something that all humans have different opinions about, Albert Einstein adressed this issue with the following words; "When this universe in its millionfold order and precision would be the result of a blind coincidence, then that would be just as credible as when a printing-office would explode and all types would fall on the ground in a complete and faultless form of the dictionary." During the Big Bang the energy was transformed into mass and this mass formed huge clouds of star clusters, most of the stars in this clusters caught matter in their orbits that slowly became planets, the star that our world encircles (the sun) also formed planets, some scientists believe that our earth was created by a collision of two other planets that followed the same orbit (the Hartmann theory) though other theories suggest a slow buildup of matter around a solid core, a bit like a snowball rolling down a hill and slowly getting bigger by the material it absorbs. On our planet earth (and perhaps on many others too) the first living beings came into existence in the form of one-celled organisms, this organisms slowly evolved into more advanced lifeforms like plants, fish, amphibians, reptiles, and eventually mammals, some mammals evolved into primates and from this group the humans originate.Þá gengu regin öll á rökstóla, ginnheilög goð, og um það gættust; nótt og niðjum nöfn um gáfu, morgun hétu og miðjan dag, undorn og aftan, árum að telja. Then went the Regin all to their judgement seats, the all-holy gods, thereon held council: to night and to the waning moon they gave names; morning they named, and mid-day, afternoon and evening, whereby to reckon years.(Voluspá)The first primates: Primates can be divided into monkeys (Mandrills, Baboons, etc.) and apes (Gorillas, Chimpanzees, Humans, etc.), the apes (also known as Anthropoids) are more intelligent than monkeys and are very closely related to eachother, even more than many humans wish to admit; for instance the genetical similarities between the human and its closest relative the chimpanzee are 99%. The early apes lived on the African savannas and were not the skilled hunters that their human descendants are today; they where no match for the giant sabre-toothed tiger (Smilodon) and other dangerous animals they shared their habitat with and mostly relied on scavenging and other ways of obtaining any type of food, however, their omnivorous livestyle made them very versatile and they managed to find food that other animals overlooked, for instance when the big animals had finished eating the apes rushed in to collect the bones that were left behind, they used stone tools to crack open the bones and ate the marrow inside it, which was a healthy and nutricious food, another advantage was that meat also contains much proteins that stimulate brain growth. Some apes also started walking more upright to oversee more of the endless savanna and spot potential dangers at an earlier time, this small improvements and adaptations slowly brought them more towards our current (human) stage of evolution. The first ancestor of the modern human is believed to be the Ardipithecus ramidus kaddaba, who lived in Ethiopia 5,2 to 5,8 million years ago, though this can change because recently human-looking remains have been discovered that date from 6 million years ago.


all kinds as long as its in {english}but not country


history channel,discovery channel,modern marvels,real tv,max x list,horse power tv,biker build off,animal planet,csi,house,nip tuck,entouge,sapranos,band of brothers,x files,chepell show,


anne rice chronicals,devil within,the demon hunters hand book,tactical espionage,how to be a seal,art of war,the rise and fall of a king,down fall of the alliance,tom clancey faceless soildiers,the endless style of fighting,anarchist cook book,honda tuning,euro tuning,gun mag,shooters guid,and others that cant be wrote about