Making sure our country goes the right direction, and just having a good time with friends and family... I enjoy occassional humor, either amusing my friends and family, or amusing myself.
(Yeah, I cheated on that last one, it's from Corbis... But I couldn't find it in my family albums, so I just snagged it from the 'net.)
Just anyone who is a down to Earth patriot, preferably Democrat. Anyone who has a heart of gold, and enjoys having a good time.
Just whatever's on the radio, I guess... Madonna is pretty good, but only because she seems a little like my Marilyn...
Spartacus. That movie rocked.
Just the news. Mostly because there never isn't anything else on that's close to interesting.
Way too many to list. I read just about anything and everything.
My friends, family, supporters... Anyone who believes in justice and world order is a hero in my heart.