Member Since: 7/31/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Mademoiselle Wildfreed with the comming out of the Captain Roof's empire composed by:
Lim piocat's lead guitar
Texas-Dallas' groove box and drum hair
and Mademoiselle Wildfreed's aero guitar ..
envoyé par loiccaptain
Influences: Frank zappa - Captain Beefheart - Jimi hendrix - George Duke - Napoléon Murphy Brock - Khod breaker - Arno - Tom Waits - Neil Young - Tom yorke - Bjork - The the - Klub des loosers - klub des 7 - fuzati - wu tang clan - the cure - amon tobin - birdy nam nam - daedeleus - aphex twin.
Richard brautigan - Alexandro baricco - milana terleova - burgees - kerouac - zabel
Sounds Like: EXPERIMENTAL emmental and strange foot of dancing and playing