Member Since: 26/11/2005
Band Website: You're lookin' at it right now!
Band Members: Click on a photo to visit that Mother's MySpace (if they have one, that is...)
Mark - Lead/Backing vocals, conducting, occasional lead guitar, being generally offensive to all
Darcy - Keyboard, Lead/Backing vocals, harmonica, kazoo, funny hats
Sonic - Guitar, backing vocals, stupid outbursts, nosepicking/boogerflicking, being creepy
Kevin - Guitar, backing vocals, rabies
Dan has been promoted to Sgt. Newbie. We now let him play guitar, but we don't let him plug in.
Julie - Vibes, hitting things with tiny little mallets
Kyle - Bass, David Caruso impressions
Michelle - Belches, farts, body odor... occasionally drums.
Influences: Frank Zappa
Sounds Like: Frank Zappa
Type of Label: Major