I love romance comedies/ one of my dream jobs is to become a make-up artist/ I'm a sucker for acoustic songs/ I watch a ton of television/ I spend a pretty good amount of money on music/ I'd like to travel to: Egypt, London, Canada, and Italy/ I can't swim/ I don't really like vegetables except carrots and broccoli/ I'm addicted to Cirque Du Soleil/ I'm in search of a boyfriend/ If my hands start to feel sticky and just gross I
have to wash my hands or else I feel disgusted/ I hope to some day soon own a 2006 VW Rabbit/ I prefer to wear earrings over necklaces/ I hate but love my cat Mushu/ I love Neapolitan ice cream/ I love to make playlists/ I plan to by the iPhone/ I hate my job/ I'd like to study photography/ I love hugs/ I use to have a massive crush on Joel Madden/ I love Guitar Hero & The Sims/ I tried to learn how to skateboard but was never successful/ My heart is a trooper..it has had it's share of rejections yet it still never gives up/ I'm pretty clumsy at times/ I rarely go clubbing these days [R.I.P SOFA LOUNGE ! "
the best kept secret in all of downtown San Jose.."-Sharon T.]/ I buy way too many shoes/ I care more about my iPOD than I do my cellphone/ So far in my life I have owned: 2 dogs, 2 mice, and several cats. 2 that were actually mine Gus [I MISS YOU] and my current feline companion: Mushu/ more to come on another boring night...
Hooray for MOVIES! I am a sucker for comedies and romance-comedies! Every now and then Ill watch a gory movie but they're not on the top of my list. I'll do cheesey things like: watch the Nightmare Before Xmas around Halloween or watch LoveActually around Christmas time..since that was kind of like the theme of the movie. I guess you could say it sets the mood or something. I like fantasy movies like Harry Potter, Resident Evil, and Constantine. But its comedies that hold a special place in my heart. Id rather laugh then get scared. But hey having the shit scared of you every once in a while isnt bad either.
Family Guy 11pm PST:
Ill watch anything on tv. Except sports. Im not a big sports fanatic. I will watch a skate video or two. I wont lie I watch reality shows, Laguna Beach like what!! Ha ha. Im addicted to that show and I have been since the first season. I like watching shows like: Mummy Detective, Myth Busters (
this show is hilarious). Im a huge Family Guy fan. I try to never miss an episode. I enjoy Futurama and American Dad as well. But Ill watch anything Im an open book.Writing It Down:
Updated randomly. I think all I do is bitch in it. But hey there are some good stories every now and then.
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Background Image: DivantArt.comBackground Image Artist: 00Velvet00Dreams00Background Image Title: Sweet LifePage Layout: KillerKiwi.netMusic Flash Player: MyGen.co.uk
Rest In Peace
You Will Be Missed
Jonathan James Domingo