Davey profile picture


From the 303 to Californ-i-a

About Me

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Please be respectful while commenting/writing my page. Keep in mind I have a girlfriend that I love very much. DO NOT CROSS THE LINE! you will be deleted.
Example: "I want a piece of that ass" or "I want you",
I just moved to Orange County with my girlfriend and our two dogs (Molly and Finch). I just joined up with a band of great kids called In Fear and Faith. They quickly became apart of my family and were amazing at welcoming me to both California and their band. Check them out.
I am chasing a dream to provide for a family by playing music. I don't know where the dream chasing will take me next but I look forward to the experience.
I owe everything I have and everything to come to my amazing parents. They've been 100% supportive through everything I've done and have easily accepted that I'm not the normal college-going teenager. They support the dream and I hope to prove to them it was well worth it.
I look forward to the future.Wanna know a little more about Davey? Here it is:
I don't smoke, I don't drink...But I don't consider myself Straight Edge...
I love and enjoy all kinds of music. Lately I've been in love with John Denver.
Though I am madly in love with the two dogs Jess and I have in California, the two dogs I have at my mom's in Nebraska were truly my best friends growing up and miss them immensely.
I miss and love my mom and dad a lot. Even though they don't always know it.
I've recently became obsessed with tattoos and will some time update my pictures of my new tattoos for your enjoyment.
I'm in the process of severing my ties with some people from my past. It sucks to be so close one second then the worst of enemies the next...
I hate the following words: "emo", "poser", "punk rock", and the P word used for "vagina"...
I'm in love with a girl named Jess.
I miss the old days of A Message For Madison in Eric's basement.
I miss downtown Denver and the friends I left, but am extremely happy with California and the friends I've made.
I'm a nice person
I love Chocolate milk
I love mac 'n cheese spirals
I know your heaven is filled with milk bones

My Interests


I'm obsessed with Pirates. Which is why I'm getting a whole sleeve in a pirate theme.


Depeche Mode, Social Distortion, Tiger Army, Motley Crue, Buzzcocks, Throwdown, Saosin, Throw Rag, Cockney Rejects, Bullets and Octane, Guns 'n Roses, Scars of Tomorrow, Alexisonfire, Twisted Sister, The Briggs, Flogging Molly, Dropkick Murphys, Tegan and Sara, The Smiths, Poison The Well, Cock Sparrer, Iggy Pop and the Stooges, Four Letter Lie, The Unseen, Orange, The Horrorpops, Black Flag, Elton John, The Cure, Atreyu, Blink 182, Chasing Victory, Twisted Sister, Catherine, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Motion City Soundtrack, Dragon Force, Hammerfall, Iron Maiden, Dio, Norma Jean, Still Remains, Secret Lives of the Freemasons, Jacks Mannequin, Elliot Smith, Bright Eyes and AJ and AJ and Finch and Molly and Jimmy and AJ and AJ!!


Zombie flicks, Chick flicks, Sleazy chicks and Big dicks.


Real World: Denver!


Please Kill Me: The Philosophy of Punk. Love & Death. AP magazine. AMP Magazine.


Yeah, It's a great show.

My Blog


Listen to these tracks, if you like the shit and think you can handle it...Send me a message. ...
Posted by Davey on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:17:00 PST

Update? yup.

hello all. soooo, i moved to denver almost 2 weeks ago. it doesnt even seem like it's been that long already. i've met a lot of awesome people here and have had a blast so far. nicole and abbi came do...
Posted by Davey on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 05:44:00 PST

Goodbye for now, Scottsbluff.

How many blogs am I going to write about moving to Denver? I have no clue. I guess we'll see! I just found out about an hour ago that I got the apartment I was shooting for. So, now I'm very excited! ...
Posted by Davey on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 05:32:00 PST

Denver Part Two

This weekend is the big move. I'm a little nervous but very very excited. No offense to any of you, but I HATE Gering/Scottsbluff. I can't WAIT to be able to see my boys all the time and continue writ...
Posted by Davey on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 09:19:00 PST


As I'm sure most of you know, Bayside's drummer was killed this last winter when they got in an accident outside of Cheyenne  Wyoming on tour. These are the lyrics to a song they wrote about him....
Posted by Davey on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 01:47:00 PST


I'm excited to move there. I have more friends there than I do here. I can't wait to see all of you. I hope it helps me get through this crap I've found myself standing in. Davey
Posted by Davey on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 07:38:00 PST


It's so fucking difficult for somebody to truly love someone when they're whole fucking life butts into the relationship. I'm so fucking tired of hearing about how all of Nicole's friends and family h...
Posted by Davey on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 12:50:00 PST

the end.

Nicole and I had to break up today. It's the hardest thing I've had to go through yet. Neither one of us want to see it happen but her mother wont learn to accept me for who I am. She can't have this ...
Posted by Davey on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 03:05:00 PST


I find a majority of Myspace population to be very lame. It seems the guys are mostly here to woo the girls any way possible and the girls are here to get half naked and beg for the guys' wooing. Some...
Posted by Davey on Wed, 17 May 2006 02:34:00 PST


..is perfect. There are no other words to describe her. I'd let her put her fingers in my butt any day. Davey
Posted by Davey on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 06:02:00 PST