Adelheid profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

A writer. A clown.In memory everything seems to happen to music.

My Interests

Literature.Language(s).Music.People with sad eyes and big mouths.Mens sana in corpore sano/ mental and/or physical illness. Misfits. Astrology. Beauty. Sorrow. Grief. Animals. Children.History.Religion. Myths.Revolution. The Romantics. Indigenous peoples ( Native Americans especially).Russia.South America. The North American prairie. People sitting on porches. Travelling through continents. Darkness. Light.City lights. Country roads. Motels and petrol stations in the middle of nowhere. Cars,buses,trains,ships,planes,movement.Herbal tea. Alcohol and trying to stay sober. Vegetarian cooking. Alternative healing. Hats. Deep colours.Reincarnation. The working class.The underdog.

I'd like to meet:

People who swim in the deepest oceans,passionate melancholics, poets, writers, musicians, revolutionaries, comedians,child-like but serious-minded people who fight for their beliefs. Grievous angels. Outcasts. Sombre people who laugh. Quiet people who talk. Loud people who are quiet. Animal lovers. Those interested in past times, decades and centuries, the great and not so great minds and phenomena that made our history. Representatives of minorities and people who care about them. Mentally and/or physically sick people who struggle to cope with themselves and the world around them. People who can read Kierkegaard one minute and go to a fun fair the next. People whose taste is as varied as mine.People who know that they do not know.


Some : Jeff Buckley, Bob Dylan ,The Smiths/Morrissey, Leonard Cohen, Townes Van Zandt, Patti Smith ,Johnny Cash, Tim Buckley, Van Morrison,Joy Division, Neil Young, Velvet Underground, Sonic Youth, Carlos Gardel (+ tango in general) ,Atahualpa Yupanqui,Edith Piaf, Jacques Brel, Moustaki, Elvis,David Bowie,Jimi Hendrix,Tom Waits,Emmylou Harris, P.J Harvey, Marianne Faithfull,Kate Bush, Nina Simone,Joni Mitchell, Bob Marley, Neko Case, Willard Grant Conspiracy, Grant Lee Buffalo/Grant Lee Phillips, Joseph Arthur, The National,Vic Chesnutt, Calexico,R.E.M, Joan Baez, The Byrds,The Flying Burrito Bros,Led Zeppelin, John Lennon, Manu Chao,Buena Vista Social Club, The Cure, MC5, Stooges,The Stones,Nirvana, Hole,Bruce Springsteen, Frank Sinatra, The Killers, Interpol,Tori Amos,Massive Attack, DJ Shadow, motown , Bobby Womack, Aretha Franklin, Mary J Blige, New Order, Echo and the Bunnymen, Bauhaus,Olavi Virta, Rauli Badding Somerjoki, Marko Haavisto ja Poutahaukat, Beethoven, Puccini, Brahms, Sibelius, Tchaikovsky,Rachmaninov, Ennio Morricone, some rap/hip hop( mainly old school and/or artists whose music is politically/socially aware and has lyrical wit), lots of 80's i.e songs I remember from early childhood etc etc etc etc etc


Too many to list but including the following Directors : Aki Kaurismäki, David Lynch, Woody Allen, Hitchcock, Chaplin, Bergman. Actors etc.: The Marx Bros, James Dean. Films: By the directors mentioned + hundreds more. The Planet of the Apes has haunted me ever since I was little. The Wizard of Oz. Return to Oz. Amelie. Films that don't require any brain, kids stuff, fantasy etc. French or Hollowood, I don't care.


Twin Peaks.The Office(UK version). Documentaries.Latin American telenovelas are absolutely hilarious. Stand-up.


Some: The Bible, Checkov, Gogol, Whitman, Wilde, Asturias,Borges, Neruda, Hesse, Mann, Kafka, Goethe, Lorca, Mayakovsky, Dostoevsky,Rilke, Hawthorne, Plath, Louise Erdrich, Tillie Olsen, Bukowski, Dante, Nijinsky's diaries, captive stories,native American literatures, Finnish writers including Aleksis Kivi,Joel Lehtonen,Edith Södergran, Juhani Aho, Pentti Saarikoski and Markku Pääskynen. Religion ( everything about it), philosophy , astrology, history, biographies... Literary theories mostly bore me. Could never list everything/everyone that has inspired me.


Guide dogs. Those who try and save the planet- as well as themselves- through art. People capable of at least part-time unselfishness.