Hey wats goin on my names Rob, Robby, J, Brooks, Jay-Z an watever else people make up for me. Well first off I'm CONCEITED ASS HELL HAHA naw j/p, but really its not my fault i'm so damn good looking. but i like to have a good time an joke around so if ur a really serious person do it movin cause i'm jus doin my thing the way i know how. well i'm running out to stuff to say so Questions???? hit me up an i'll get bak to you after the beep.....BEEP!Yo Boi RoB
My Interests
Football, and Food
I'd like to meet:
Don't know Everybody then after tha willy wonka.
Everything except country.
Friday Night Lights: is the best football movie.(better than Remeber the Titans)