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About Me

Klaang was a Klingon courier in the service of the Klingon High Council during the 22nd century.In April 2151 he crash-landed his K'toch-class scoutship on Earth while attempting to escape a pair of Suliban agents who had pursued him from Rigel X where he had met Sarin. He landed in a corn field in Broken Bow, Oklahoma where he managed to kill the Suliban, but was subsequently injured when shot by a Human farmer named Moore. Klaang was taken to Starfleet Medical, where his life was sustained by the efforts of Doctor Phlox. The Vulcans recommended taking him off life-support so he could die an honorable death as mandated by Klingon culture, but instead Jonathan Archer and Enterprise returned him to Qo'noS alive.On the way to Qo'noS, the unconscious Klaang was kidnapped by Suliban agents from the starship's sickbay. He was rescued from the Suliban helix by Enterprise and taken before the Klingon High Council on Qo'noS, who then read the information in Klaang's DNA to learn that the Suliban Cabal was manipulating the Klingon Empire.

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Klingon Fairy Tales. BY MIKE RICHARDSON-BRYAN- - - -"Goldilocks Dies With Honor at the Hands of the Three Bears""Snow White and the Six Dwarves She Killed With Her Bare Hands and the Seventh Dwarf She Let Get Away as a Warning to Others""There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe With a Big Spike on It""The Three Little Pigs Build an Improvised Explosive Device and Deal With That Damned Wolf Once and for All""Jack and the Giant Settle Their Differences With Flaming Knives""Old Mother Hubbard, Lacking the Means to Support Herself With Honor, Sets Her Disruptor on Self-Destruct and Waits for the Inevitable""Mary Had a Little Lamb. It Was Delicious""Little Red Riding Hood Strays Into the Neutral Zone and Is Never Heard From Again, Although There Are Rumors ... Awful, Awful Rumors""Hansel and Gretel Offend Vlad the Impaler""The Hare Foolishly Lowers His Guard and Is Devastated by the Tortoise, Whose Prowess in Battle Attracts Many Desirable Mates"