Doing nothing, taking care of my girlfriend, drawing stuff, reading a bit, cooking more and more, listening to music a lot, watching (too much) tv shows, surfing the internet less and less, maniacally cataloguing my stuff proportionaly to its uselessness...
I don't Know!
Listening to loads of sixties garage/psych, some british invasion, some post-punk, trying new indie crap, investigating recent garage punk, hard rock and post-hardcore, and some other stuff from time to time.last crushes ( charts):
Basically anything that I like (ahah) I watch loads of asian films (Chinese and Japanese for most of them), I also like to discover sixties and seventies films. I enjoy watching new stuff but disappointment is too recurent.
Too much tv shows... Battlestar Galactica, Lost, Prison Break, 24, CSI, CSI NY, Heroes, Futurama, Family Guy... and also old stuff
Not enough, I try to read a lot, but I can't be bothered to finish novels, bored, maybe lazy. I read loads of graphic novels... better than nothing.last crushes:Neil Gaiman - Smoke and Mirrors Vertigo Comic Books
Paul Resende