I'm blessed to have such amazing best friends!
Love you all!
Me & Janines Babies (Candy, Paris, & Tyson)
Scarface, Goodfellas, Carlitos way, Casino, Analyze This, Meet The Parents, Vanilla Sky, Butterfly Effect, Gia, Ever After, Shallow Hal, Along Came Polly, Something About Mary, The Sweetest Thing, Desperado, Fight Club, Pitch Black, The Fast and The Furious, Seven, Dirty Dancing, The Virgin Suicides, Home Alone, Swim fan, Hitch, Guess Who, The Ring, Sleepless in Seattle, Independence Day, Donnie Brasco, Original Sin, Unfaithful, The Notebook, A Walk in the Clouds, Sweet November, Kill Bill, Ghost, Stigmata, The Beach, Demolition Man, Swat, Austin Powers, Shrek, Wedding Crashers, Titanic lol, The Bridges of Madison County, Troy, Monsters Inc...such a cute movie.
GENERAL HOSPITAL, Next Top Model, Sex and the City
Love of my life ....My Gramps
aMy Grandpa my love (Last one on the right)My Beautiful Sister Kimberley