Dadhichi profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

In the 24 years that I've been practicing face reading, astrology and other esoteric studies, I've conducted over 8,500 consultations and readings.
My clients are not only limited to my local Australian market but include celebrities, political and diplomatic figures, media and corporate identities from all walks of life in countries as far and wide as England, India and the U.S.
I've been writing columns and stories for many of Australia's leading magazines including Australian Women's Weekly, New Idea and NW and periodically appear as a guest on most of Australia's leading television networks on which several of my political and worldwide forecasts have proved correct. I combine Face Reading and Astrology, to assist people in achieving happiness in their lives through a greater understanding of themselves.
I've launched my websites and where you can experience a wide variety of services including daily horoscopes, romantic compatibility, face reading and the soul shop for all things metaphysical. My sites attract over 3000,000 visitors monthly.Would love you to come and visit as well.
I'm currently appearing on Channel 9's Mornings with Kerri Ann ( Australian television network ), and have been doing segments for most of the other networks as well as radio talkback. I'm a published author with Harlequin Mills & Boon in Australia, England, France and New Zealand.
I look forward to hearing from you and being of some help to you on your journey.You can always contact me if you need some direction.
If you're interested, have a look at my websites:
You can get your daily horoscope there, and also find out about how compatibile you are with others.
I also have a youtube channel , on which I discuss a variety of esoteric topics.

My Interests

Being in the Zone is nice. Astrology, music, reading, d&m's with friends ( and strangers ) take me to that Space. I'm open to learning and exploring all sorts of life avenues and experiences. If you have any suggestions let me know.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and everyone!!


Radiohead, Joni Mitchell, Foo Fighters, Mahler. Pretty much all typres of music but not really into Country and Western, sorry.


Being There, The Party ( Peter Sellers fan , The Grudge, 2001 A Space Oddysey ( who doesn't love Kubrik ), Kung Fu films including Jackie Chan are fun. The latest Superman movie is not badand I just loved The Devil wears Prada with Meryl Streep.


I love channel surfing and particularly love news and current affairs. Fox news makes me laugh because it's so "fair and balanced"(NOT).


Astrology and self help. I really only ever read one novel - by Herman Hesses called Siddartha ( the story of the Buddha ).


Ramana Maharshi, Ghandi, Mandela and all other cool people fighting for a worthy cause.

My Blog

Timely advice

"Stay as you are wherever you are If you do this instantly you will knowThat you are what you have searched for For millions of years.There is no search because Search is only for the lostBut when not...
Posted by Dadhichi on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 04:50:00 PST