Being in the Zone is nice. Astrology, music, reading, d&m's with friends ( and strangers ) take me to that Space. I'm open to learning and exploring all sorts of life avenues and experiences. If you have any suggestions let me know.
Anyone and everyone!!
Radiohead, Joni Mitchell, Foo Fighters, Mahler. Pretty much all typres of music but not really into Country and Western, sorry.
Being There, The Party ( Peter Sellers fan , The Grudge, 2001 A Space Oddysey ( who doesn't love Kubrik ), Kung Fu films including Jackie Chan are fun. The latest Superman movie is not badand I just loved The Devil wears Prada with Meryl Streep.
I love channel surfing and particularly love news and current affairs. Fox news makes me laugh because it's so "fair and balanced"(NOT).
Astrology and self help. I really only ever read one novel - by Herman Hesses called Siddartha ( the story of the Buddha ).
Ramana Maharshi, Ghandi, Mandela and all other cool people fighting for a worthy cause.