Swimming, Biking, Music, Dogs, Food :D
Dog and cat lovers and anyone nice and friendly.
I listen to any kind. Just not rap.
The Shawshank Redemption, The Secret Window, Lord of the Rings, Ocean's 11, Harry Potter, Forrest Gump, Somewhere in Time, Driving Miss Daisy, The Mirror Has 2 Faces, O Brother Where Art Thou? hehe
CSI, Just Shoot Me, Desperate Housewives, That 70's Show, Frasier, Spin City, Seinfeld, Arrested Development
The Hobbit, Harry Potter, Lemony Snicket, James Herriot, Stephen King
Love may take long, but it will always take you to where you belong. Enjoy the journey, no need to hurry. Cause you heart will know when it's finally home...