Spunky profile picture


About Me

Hi, My name is Ken. A number of years ago, while camping in Utah, we came upon a little puppy who was all alone. We searched and searched for his owners. We kept him close to camp, fed him, gave him water and generally cared for the little guy hoping someone would claim him before our camping trip was over. I vowed that we were not going to take him home with us even though our kids begged and pleaded and promised that they would feed him and clean up after him. You know that story right?
Sunday afternoon our new puppy was cuddled up in the back of our station wagon, fast asleep with the kids, on the way to his new home.
We decided to name him Spunky. After all he is very much so. Spunky is a Maltese Poodle weighing about 12 pounds. He is white with large black and grey splotches. He must be the smartest, most playful, spunkiest little dog I have every had.
I believe he was born with the fetch instinct completely developed. His mission in life is to fetch anything you throw. His favorite object to retrieve is a new tennis ball but he'll try sticks, shoes, buckets, trees. You name it, he's game. He has learned how to push large objects such as a basketball or soccer ball by putting his front legs on top of the ball and pushing it forward with his belly while hopping along on his back legs. How smart is that? Panting, he says "this is a lot of work!" his tongue hanging almost to the ground.
You need to be very careful when throwing rocks because if he can jump up and catch it he will. From a (canine) dental standpoint this is not a good practice.
Throwing pebbles into a creek for Spunky is great fun while presenting painful sinus problems for him. Spunky will go anywhere, do anything for the cause. With head underwater in the stream, where all little pebbles look alike, he will try sniffing to scent his pebble. He'll come up sputtering with nose dripping (you know that's gotta burn) and ears sopping wet. But in his mouth will be the rock. Maybe not the same rock, or maybe it is the same rock, but a rock nevertheless.
Whether your dog is naturally talented like Spunky or not, I hope you both have as much fun as we do.
All the best.
If your dog was not born with the fetch instinct check out this great resource.

My Blog

Taking Good Care of Your Pet's Eyes

I saw a blog from Bill the Pitbull about an article on Taking Care of Your Pitbull's Eyes. I figure Pitbull eyes, Poodle eyes. What's the difference? I took a look and read the article (you don't thin...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 20:45:00 GMT

Wiz Wiz Wiz

Has anyone checked out this contraption from wizdog? If you answered no please take a look for yourself here!If you answered yes please let me know what you think about it.I looked at their site to ch...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 16:08:00 GMT

wiz kid

I just received an email from wizdog. I looked at their site to check out the product and just wondered if anyone out here has used it. I am thinking of buying one for my little puppy but I wonder if ...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 16:18:00 GMT

Poodle Rottwieller ROODLE

When is a Poodle a ROODLE? I found this article about a cross between Poodles and Rottweillers. What??? Celebrities like Paris Hilton may carry their dogs in their Gucci handbags, accessorized to the ...
Posted by on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 16:09:00 GMT


Woof woof smore Boy, these DOG DAYS of summer seem to be getting hotter and hotter by the day! Luckily there is a sprinkler pipe in the back yard  thats been leaking. I have a little splash pool ...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 13:16:00 GMT

More Dog Days

Woof woof smore Boy, these DOG DAYS of summer seem to be getting hotter and hotter by the day! Luckily there is a sprinkler pipe in the back yard  thats been leaking. I have a little splash pool ...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 15:55:00 GMT

Dog Days in Full Swing

Arf everyone,What a great time of year. The DOG DAYS of summer are on the way and I couldn't be happier. I'll get to laze around, laze around, and laze around some more. Swish a few flies with my tai...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 09:29:00 GMT