Djing, Producing Beats, Snowboarding. Sittin back chillin'! Shootin pool would have to be my favorite indoor sport! Best part of each week is when I get some new vinyl, Gotta have some new beats to spin!Heres a quick link to my mixsets and such! Below, Click on Demo!Demo
My favorite Dj's of course! Adam Freeland, Evil Nine, The Bassbin Twins, 30hz, All the Fingerlickin Crew! I met Tipper, and Icey, but it'd be totally sweet to kick it with them.
The list COULD go on and on, But I'll just stop here!
BreaksFM - Live Streaming Radio (Breaks 24/7)
Breakbeats are of course my fav... Adam Freeland, Plump Dj's, Uberzone, Koma and Bones, Meat Katie, Tayo, Chemical Brothers, Prodigy, you get the drift... I love music though, so it doesn't matter what kind I happen to be listenin to. Just so long as there is some kind of music kickin in the background. Breaks, Drum and Bass, A little house(mainly tribal), Rock, Hip-Hop(Only lyricism) All that Ghetto crap aint helpin the industry. Talib Kweli, Jurrasic 5, X-ecutioners, World Famous Beat Junkies, Mos Def, Afrika Bambaataa, you get the drift.
DnB artists: Dieselboy, Dara, Ak1200, Dj DB, Reid Speed, Bad Company, Stakka and Skynet, Grooverider, you get the point again.
Also like experimental music such as, Autechre, Aphex Twin, Tipper,
SI Begg, Son of the Electric Ghost (experimental breaks you could say).
edIT is real tight, Got some of his own beats on this site, check him out.
Whole bunch of pics of some of the hottest cd's with a link. L8!
Movies are the heat, Good time waster. Sci-fi, End of the world type-o-stuff, Action. Donnie Darko... I, Robot... The Beach... Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels... Snatch... The Matrix Trilogy... Constantine... just ask if you'd really like to know more. That'll do for now!
I'm not much the book reader.
Well, if it serves the purpose of gaining more knowledge regarding music then I may be more inclined to read it.Spider-Man Novels were always good!
Thats All!
Jesus! He was a cool man, Died for my sins. Thats all I needed to know! Oh yeah, And Spiderman!