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There are many. I’ve got a lot of interests:
eating food with good company, a lots of beer when I go out, fight against the cancer, fight against the international terrorism (another cancer more), Armenian genocide, the good beer done in Belgian abbeys, good white wine, good red wine, good bourbon, pot legalization, the architecture of Antoni Gaudà and the painting of Salvador DalÃ, illustrators Moebius and Richard Corben
All made in “Sun Records†label, All Clasic Rock..n..Roll (Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Gene Vincent, Bill Haley And His Comets, Johnny Burnette, Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis, Barbara Pittman, Carl Perkins, Roy Orbison, Linda Gail Lewis... Oldies but goodies).American Blues, Boogie Woogie, Country Rock, DooWop, Garage, Jive, Neo-Rockabilly, Punk, Punkabilly, Psychobilly, Rhythm 'n' Blues, Rockabilly, Surf, Swing, Tex-Mex.
SINGERS AND BANDS (alphabetical order):
All Traci Lords.. X-Films, Anime (Japanimation), Gore, Films by british "Hammer" Studios, Indie cinema, Some films made in "Troma" Studios, Serie B, Serie Z, Sitges Festival, Sploitation cinema, Sundance.
Some of my favourite filmmakers (alphabetical order by last name):
BURTON, Tim; BOROWCZYK, Walerian; BUÑUEL, Luis; CHAPLIN, Charles; COEN, Joel; COPOLLA, Francis F.; CORMAN, Roger; EASTWOOD, Clint; FORD, John; HITCHCOK, Alfred; HOPPER, Dennis; HUSTON, John; KUROSAWA, Akira; LYNCH, David; MEYER, Russ; PALMA, Brian (de); PECKINPAH, Sam; RAIMI, Sam; ROBBINS, Tim; SALIERI, Mario; SCORSESE, Martin; SPIELBERG, Stephen; TARANTINO, Quentin; WATERS, John; WILDER, Billy; WOO, John.
FILMS (Alphabetical order):
1941, 2001 Space Odyssey, The Adventures of Ford Farlane, Akira, Aliens, Apocalypse Now, The Ballad Of Cable Hogue, The Ballad of Narayama (Narayama Bushiko), Belle de Jour, The Birds, La Bête, Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls,
Blade Runners, Blue Velvet, Cape Fear (Scorsese, 1991), Casablanca, The Chronicles of Riddick, Citizen Caine, Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, Contact, The Cotton Club, Cry Baby, Delicatessen, Dersu Uzala, A Dirty Same, Easy Rider,
Exodus, Fahrenheit 451 (Truffaut, 1966), Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!, Forbidden Planet, Fort Apache, Gangs of New York, Ghost Rider, The Gold Rush, The Great Dictator, Hair Spray, Hellboy, Hostel, The Hot Spot, I Robot, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill I & II,
Land Of The Dead, Leaving Las Vegas, Metropolis, Miller's Crossing, Million Dollar Baby, Minority Report, Mission to Mars, Mogambo, Natural Born Killers, Night Of Living Dead, Los Olvidados, Pale Rider, Pan's Labyrinth,
Peggy Sue Got Married, Plan 9 From Outer Space, Psyco, Pulp Fiction, Raging Bull, Rear Window (Hitchcock, 1954), Reservoir Dogs, The Raven (Corman, 1963), Rumble Fish, Scarface,
The Seven Year Itch, Sin City, Stagecoach, Sunset Boulevard, Tank Girl, Total Recall, Traffic, Trainspotting, Underworld Evolution, Unforgiven, The Wallop, The Wanderers, War of the Worlds (v. 2005), The Warriors, The Wild Bunch, The Wild One, X-Men.
Some actresses who make me love the cinema:
Discovery Civilization Channel, Discovery Science Channel, The History Channel, National Geographic Channel, Sci-Fi Channel, Andromeda, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Dr. Who (revisited version), Dark Angel, Earth 2, Earth Final Conflic, Enterprise, Family Guy, Farscape, Futurama, Prison Break, South Park, Star Trek, Stargate Atlantis, U.F.O. Moonbase
DRAMATISTS-NOVELISTS-PLAYWRITGHTS (Alphabetical order by last name):
ALBERTI, Rafael; ASIMOV, Isaac; BALZAC, Honore (de); BAROJA, PÃo; BUERO VALLEJO, Antonio; BUKOWSKI, Charles; CALDERON DE LA BARCA, Pedro; CAPOTE, Truman; CELA, Camilo José; CERVANTES, Miguel (de); CHEJOV, Anton Pavlovich; CONRAD, Joseph; DOSTOIEVSKI, Fedor; ECO, Humberto; FARMER, Philip José; FAULKNER, William; FITZGERALD, Francis Scott; FOLLETT, Ken; FORSYTH, Frederick; GARCIA MARQUEZ, Gabriel; GARCIA LORCA, Federico; GOETHE, Johann W.; GRAVES, Robert; GREENE, Graham; HEMINGWAY, Ernest; HESSE, Herman; HIGHSMITH, Patricia; HOMERO; HUGO, Victor; HUXLEY, Adoux; LE CARRE, John; LEM, Stanislaw; LAWRENCE, D. H.; LOVECRAFT, Howard Phillips; MACHADO, Antonio; MILLER, Henry; MOLIERE; NERUDA, Pablo; MORE, Thomas; NIETZSCHE, Friedrich; NIVEN, Larry; ORWELL, George; PEREZ-REVERTE, Arturo; PLATON; POE, Edgar Alan; QUEVEDO, Francisco (de); SCIASCIA, Leonardo; SHAKESPEARE, William; UMBRAL, Francisco; VALLE INCLAN, Ramón MarÃa (del); VARGAS LLOSA, Mario; VEGA, Lope (de); VERNE, Jules; VIRGILIO; ZOLA, Emile; ZORRILLA, José.
ESSAYISTS-THINKERS (Alphabetical order by last name):
ABENDROTH, Wolfgang; ALTHUSSER, Louis; ARON, Raimond; ARONSON, Elliot; DOBB, Maurice; CHOMSKI, Noam; CIPOLLA, Carlo M.; DARWIN, Charles; EINSTEIN, Albert; ERASMUS OF ROTTERDAM, Desiderius; FROMM, Erich; GRAMSCI, Antonio; HILL, Christopher; HILTON, Rodney; HAWKING, Stephen; KOLAKOWSKI, Leszek; KRÖPOTKIN, Pedro; KUHN, Thomas S.; LEFEBVRE, George; LENK, Kurt; MARCUSE, Herbert; MORRIS, Desmond; POULANTZAS, Nicos; PROUDHON, P. J.; RUSSELL, Beltrand; SAGAN, Carl; TAKAHASHI, H.K.; VILAR, Pierre; WEBER, Max.
If you enjoy the european medieval history and the small towns founded on the Early Middle Age (12nd Century), click the image below and check out the official webpage of the village where I was born: Maderuelo (Segovia, ESP)
Amazing Nederland:
Heroes?. What is a hero?. Who is a hero?.
There are no heroes in this world. Maybe in Vulcan.