Trash Hombres profile picture

Trash Hombres

About Me

After playing with each other for about 16 years in Fabulous Grit and the Two-Bit Texas Rangers, Rasyif, Wil and Mark didn't want to stop playing together. And when they met Marc, with whom Wil played a long time before, they found the singer they always were hoping for. We all love playing rockabilly, rock & roll and blues and mix them together in our shows. We play songs from for instance the Paladins, the Seatsniffers, Ronnie Earl and Ronny Dawson and give this songs a twist with our own style. We try to give it a little trashy edge and hope you like it. Rockabilly Boogie in Bassy Cowboy Club in Berlin

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My Interests


Member Since: 8/14/2006
Band Website:
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Type of Label: None

My Blog

CD review Boppin' Around (Dutch rockabilly magazine) march 2007 in English, Swedish and Dutch

first in English: Swedish and Dutch  version: see below the English version: A well produced CD, a rough and swell sound.Nothing for talcumpowder rockers. First song Cruel Red is what the so...
Posted by Trash Hombres on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 04:02:00 PST

rescensie gevonden op

    zaterdag 29 aprilTRASH HOMBRESvoor cafĂ© Barok ArnhemDit was leuk! Een Arnhemse band met een eigenwijze "rockabilly country" sound... Zelf noemen ze het "SpankAbilly", naar het schij...
Posted by Trash Hombres on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 05:46:00 PST