Ms. Wonderful profile picture

Ms. Wonderful

I want to run through the streets butt naked with green jello smeared all over my body holding a pla

About Me

I guess this is where Im supposed to tell you what an amazing person I am and how I want you all to be my friends. The truth is Im not all that great Im actually a pretty fucked up person I dont really care about a lot of things, but dont get me wrong Im not trying to sound like a hard ass because I do have a soft side. I guess you could see me as a problem child because I do indeed hve a lot of problems but I work through them as they come and I do my own share of trouble making as well. If Ive learned anything through my expeirences in life its that evryone eventually dies and when that time comes just to look at death as a new adventure. The other thing I have learned is that love sucks but its better to have loved and lost then not have loved at all.<a

My Interests

I do like a lot of things... DDR, Smoking, doing crazy out of the green shit....


I just like music


If I actually took my time to write all the movies I like I would be here all night.


I lovers the cartoons.


I read a lot.


Batman bitches!

My Blog


I just got raped. Ha by Ellen. Okay so I guess its safe to say that I got fucked over. I was totally falling for this guy and he made me so fucking happy and then he goes and dumps me for his ex. I wa...
Posted by Ms. Wonderful on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 11:56:00 PST


So gay Mr. Burton well hold on saying he is gay is shaming all gays in the world and since I  dont mind Jews he can be jewish. So Jewish Mr.Burton...Wait Joey got a better one the pimple on socie...
Posted by Ms. Wonderful on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 04:23:00 PST

Guys like this

Okay since i havent been on in like forever, and I know that you lovely followers just cant stand a day without my random rants and my rant today is about a disgusting little creature ...
Posted by Ms. Wonderful on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 09:18:00 PST


  Okay I have to say something and I am going to make this clear as fucking day. say one more word about Kelsey and I will slit your throat open and watch you bleed to death. Joel...y...
Posted by Ms. Wonderful on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 02:14:00 PST

Wowness of the ness...NESS

STUPID NON-WORKING WORD COLORFUL THINGY!!!!!  Oh sorry the stupid thing that makes the font all pretty and corored isnt makes me a very angry Kris!!! -Rips apart a pillow!-  A...
Posted by Ms. Wonderful on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 12:00:00 PST


So ya Im currently at Heavens house...its no longer Tuesday so ya...obviously...what the hell did that have anything to do with....anything? Im tire but eh who cares...I got high yesterday with Heaven...
Posted by Ms. Wonderful on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 03:18:00 PST

Seals and People

Okay the first thing thats got my underwear all fucked up is the killing of innocents. My dear friend Saralyn has made a speech thing about it that I will post in here in like two seconds. Stop the ki...
Posted by Ms. Wonderful on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 02:09:00 PST


I am feeling somewhat better I am soooo happy that no one is home...well I do wish Nick was here...but besides that I like an empty house...I am so bored but on the bright side I won my second game of...
Posted by Ms. Wonderful on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 04:28:00 PST

Sick, Kris...

I feel so sick..I didnt even know strep could make you feel so tired...I dunno my throat body feels really weak...Nick left for work this morning and I cried because I wanted him to stay h...
Posted by Ms. Wonderful on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 08:13:00 PST


This is so retarted I have strep yet again...and the doctor wont let me get my tonsals removed because hse says " You have to have strep throaght three times a year for two years straight" whatever ha...
Posted by Ms. Wonderful on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 01:21:00 PST