Lord it's hard to be humble
When you're perfect in every way
I love to look in the mirror
Cause I get better looking each day
To know me is to love me
I must be one heck of a FAN!
Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble, when you're an
The Fringe would like to meet more Heros. Our idea of a hero is probably a little different than the average. In our opinion a hero is not the one who achieves greatness, but the one who spends himself so that others can...the one who lives life for something bigger than themself...the one who dreams bigger than his own life will allow. A hero is one that "leaves it all on the field." It's the person that would risk it all for a cause he believes in...yet expecting nothing in return. These are the people we long to meet. A generation that lives by the the statement..."If you die with a dream in YOUR heart...you die a DREAMER. "But if you die with your dream in THIER heart you die a LEGACY." mk :)Other than that, The Fringe would like to meet people that actually believe in having dreams and are passionate about what they where born to do and could some how be a part of our publication. If you are passionate or know someone that is passionate about these topics, please contact us immediately; Xtreme Sports, Music(bands, etc.), Modeling, Photography, fashion, fashion design, writing for our publication, graphics or if there is anything else that you think you can contribute, please let us know.
Our goal is to create one of the top magazines in the country ONE DAY AT A TIME. So lookout Rolling Stone:)View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
The President and CO-President
Lord it's hard to be humble
When you're perfect in every way
I love to look in the mirror
Cause I get better looking each day
To know me is to love me
I must be one heck of a FAN!
Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble, when you're an
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I would have to definitely say my two brothers Abe and Matt.. You guys have believed in me and pushed me to be more than I could have ever imagined. I love you guys!!