nIcHoLaS profile picture


I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Holistic Unified Matter
And Nature...and being this
is my goal in this life's
journey. I feel life be
simple as long as you allow
it to be. Superficial conversations or
shallow perspective are rather a bore...
and get nowhere. As the world appears
to become is the time
to be this world of illusion.
Only from the inside can this be
radiated...and not the outter circumstance...
this is why I can not spell correctly:)

My Interests

Let's see....hmmmmm...what does interest me....Oh I suppose anything that inspires a person to grow and transend...where boogers actually go when they leave one's nose (hey I'm interested!) which makes people come together...planets that spin around in a big way...why most people pay no attention to WHAT REALLY TAKE'IN PLACE RIGHT NOW"...people who simply are being them-self though I fear most people don't have a clue who or what they are...trees, plant, animals, and things intrest me...observe'in what is and doing what works...yet I DO NOT find things IMPORTANT simply because people say they are "important" - which I find VERY INTERESTING...Raven

I'd like to meet:

The following people I'd like to meet are due to the impact of humanity they created and the way they have moved my soul by simply being the human they are: Madonna, Eddie Izzard, George Clooney, Ben Franklin, Alison Goldgrapp, Al Pachino, Alexander the Great, Plato, Mozart, Prince, Nikita Tesla, Joseph Campbell, Black Elk, Merlin, George Carlin, Sting, Charles Brokowski, Martin Luther King Jr, John Lennon, Grace Jones, Jimmy Hendrix, Wendy and Lisa, Orsen Wells, , and ofcourse James Dean and Marylin Monroe... sure some of these people are nolonger living...on earth...and since energy never dies it simply changes form...then I'd like to meet them......I like people for who they are and not what they can be to/for me... We are all here, standing on a big spinning ball, in a big void of stars-n-suff, all coming from the same source and heading in the same direction. I dig people who have the "outside the box" thing going's hot!


Rock, Indy 103.1, Funk, Hip-Hop, Remixed Vault Classics, 80's New Wave (I was there orignially - before we had cds), Mozart, Dead Can Dance, KCRWish stuff, The Dandy Warhols, Depeche Mode, T.Rex, Stereophonics, Gorillaz, John Frusciante, My Life With The Thrill Kill Cult, and Dance Muisc that lights a fire within your soul and gets you to move that flesh...and there is so much of this out there! Techno...bored if its the same thump-thump-thump beat throughout the entire song....and if its house it's got2B good house...not wanna be house....Then there's MADONNA and PRINCE who for 20 years have musically spun my soul and they never fail to do just that! Love'in GOLDFRAPP and JEM "they" is a brilliant tune, then come the SCISSOR SISTERS! ....I could go on, and on, an on.....composure is the key that sparks that fire in me....A Goddess that Kick's Ass!..


Love them...from old black and white classics to present day. I dig a good story...ref: Joseph Cambell "the power of myths"TOP FIVE BRILLIANT MOVIES/STORY TELLING: "THE RAZORS EDGE" - the 1942 original version. "AMADEUS Directors Cut" - so rocked me amadeus.. "BATMAN BEGINS" - which is one of the few mythical story' the american culture has...if we still even have a culture... "BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN" a love that was not embraced and the pain reflected...not a fag flick....silly homosapians "CRASH" - 2005... for a native angelino like me...i've found that people who don't like this movie are the one's it is refering too!BONUS: A MOVIE WHICH YOU COULD NOT MAKE IN TODAYS WORLD-and it's freaky how so right on it is and why we are in the global mess we're in! duh! Best Picture 1976 "NETWORK" w/ Faye Dunaway - this movie has never been shown on network television...


I honestly haven't watched Network or Cable TV since Sept. 11th...I do watch shows when they hit DVD Like: Deadwood, Six Feet Under, Carnival, Dead Like ME -loved it, Smallville, The Shield, and other various shows - I dig a good storyline that moves the human soul and I've found the daily...nightly... whatever...News broadcasts to be filled with nothing the illussion of fear while commercials are screaming in ones face to "buy their product".... then there is Stewie


..the four agreements by don miguel ruiz, the total vampire chronicals 5 book set by anne rice, and the merlin trilogy by margret stewart...just to name a few...


Superman, Batman, The Punisher, Wonder Woman, Spiderman, Ben Franklin, Black Elk, Nikita Tesla and Eddie Izzard...