life, existence and happiness.
beings of a higher thinking.
the beatles, ska, grateful dead,led zeppelin, breaks, mc chris, funky house, greenday, sublime, house, the doors, gabber,
the princess bride. what the bleep to we know, furn gully, name is battie my logic is erratc, potatos in my jacket, clothes in the attic.......all humans say is hi Helen!
AQUATEEN!!!!! on the moon we have 5 dementions...YA 5000 DEMENTTIONS...yes on the moon we have 5000 dementions. ya well i only see 2!!! i hope you can see this cuz im doing harder then i ever have before! thats all i have to say period
"StoreyTime" theroys and opinions. the book will be published in the distant future, and all tom robbins books, hes the shit n a half
ferris buller your my hero....other then him the many awe inspiring minds through out our past and present, and the many more to come.