Traveling anywhere...even if its just a car ride away;). Love experiencing different locations, cultures and people.
Whomever is clever enough to leave me a message prior to requesting friendship! ;)
I love all kinds of music...except if I can't sing along to it. I need to be able to karaoke. If not its just not worth it to me. Tee hee.
Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman, Scarface, Goodfellas, Wall Street, Snatch,Shawshank Redemption, TROY, Gladiator, Under the Tuscan Sun
The apprentice, Real World, Road Rules, The inferno....welll anything that involves MTV and its reality shows. Will & Grace, Seinfield, Everybody loves raymond, That 70's Show, CSI and some mo shows...I have couch potato tendencies
Like Water for Chocolate, Donald Trump The art of the Deal, Memoirs of a Geisha
Mom and Dad..of course!!