weLl I'm JuSt Me AnD I l0v Me AlSo I l0v My PeRfEcT,HoT aNd sExY b0yFrIeNd: EmYsTrIkIs
Agrega escarcha a tus fotos
aNd AlL mY BeaUtIfUls,LitTlEs DaUgHtErs:KlEta,MuMu,EduArDa-LaLA,mAnChItAs,BrI-BrI,MuKi,GoR
I LoV lIsTeNinG mUsIc(I liKe MoRe InDiE, aVaNt GaRdE,aLtErNaTiVe MuSiC) ,TaKiNg Ph0t0s,DrEaMiNg aNd PrEtEnD, TrAvElInG,wAlKiNg,ThE iNtErNeT,tHe CoFfEe bReAk-TiMe I lIkE mEeTiNg pEoPlE (dIfFeReNt Pe0pLe),Co0KiNg,ReAdInG,dAnCiNg,In ThE nIgHt SeE tHe StArS.....
I hAtE tHe wAr,RaCiSm,Tw0 fAcEd Pe0pLe MakE mE sIcK,lIe.....
MeEt PeOpLe To The ALl wOrLd, Go To fRaNcE,LoNdOn,JaPaN,MaRrUeCoS, BrAzIl,ArGenTiNa,etc
ZoE,LoS bUnKeRs,KiNkY,DaFt PuNk,ThE d0oRs,SoDa SteRe0,LoS dYnAmiTe,SusSiE 4,CiNeMA FeB, KiEr0 KluB,ELiS pApRiKa,PoRtEr,,,,,,,SoN muXi0s MaS
Your Icecream Flavour is...
French Vanilla!
You're a smooth and silky suave type! You exude class and you believe in tradition. A classical taste who doesn't like things to be too flashy or showy. Climb the Eiffel tower of taste with a spoonfull of you! Oui Oui!
What is your Icecream Flavour?
Find out at Go Quiz
m nKtAn ToDo TiPo D pElIz Pr0 mAz D aCci0n Y k0mDiA y D mUx0z Pr0 mUx0z eFcToZ zPcIalz
GrEy's AnAt0mY,b0nEs,H0uSeWiFeS DeSpErAtE eTc......
noW i'M ReAdiNg "a orillas del rio piedra me sente y llore" oF PaUl0 CoHelo.
LoS EnGeNdRoS......