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But I don't want to be a police officer, I want to be a Pincess!

About Me

My personality in general is pretty fun loving, love to laugh, very open and blunt, but I'm a hopeless romantic deep inside. I have tendencies to be a stubborn bratt but thats only once and a great while. Mainly I am the most loving, caring, understanding and giving person I can be. I try not to take life for granted. I take each day as it comes and live, love and laugh..I've been divorced and raising my oldest adopted son alone. My younger one visits every other weekend. I love them both with all my heart and will never regret signing those adoption papers 4 years ago that brought them into my life!
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My Interests

Go out and party once in a while with the girls, it keeps me sane (LOL), trying to sing lol, keeping a clean house is a must, love simple things like picnics, enjoying a nice day outside the trees, flowers, fireflys, streams, rivers, the ocean, and of course a waterfall! Learning about new things that interest other people as long as their is some sanity involved, landscaping and gardening, painting and crafts, amusement parks with rollercoasters (hell yeah), writing poetry, hanging with my kids, laying out and swimming at the beach or a pool, skinny dipping in the dark (ohh yeah), romance is a must, but I love to get kinky "I have to keep it on the downlow though since my son is on this site";... so ummm yeah... keeping in touch with friends, traveling, and a vacation would be nice, fairies, bubble baths with candles, staying young at heart as long as I can.

I'd like to meet:

I really want to meet my bestfriend/sister who lives in South Carolina, Miranda! We know each other so well but just never actually met in person. For years we've been their for each other and bonded like sisters from the start. We know our friendship will be everlasting ;)
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I love all kinds of music. Pop, rock, some rap, dance music, some country, even some of the retro stuff sometimes. But the slow love songs put me to sleep every night with the sleep timer.


CSI, Crossing Jordon, Grey's Anatomy, Law and Order SVU, Sex in the City, Cold Case Files, Reality shows, the Simple Life Intern's rerun's lol (brings back memory's, inside joke..I was Nicole).


Their are so many heros in my life it's hard to list them all. But mainly my parents who have always stood by my side when I needed them the most. My mom whose pep talks would force me back on my feet again when I felt like giving up. But her gentle finger that would wipe the tears away when she knew I just needed to cry. My two adopted sons who have had it so bad in their past but have managed to trust me while I lead them blindedly through my life. Friends/sisters like Jen, April, Teresa, and Miranda who can never be replaced. Stand up for you when you are not even around and you don't even ask for them too. Thats true sisterhood. Make you smile on the worst day of your life (Jen);) My gentle dad who I can tell anything to without him ever raising his voice, or judging me. For all that I thank my heros for.....

My Blog

Simple Pleasures

Even when everything in life seems to be at its worst, it is amazing to me how much of a natural high can come from stepping out my back door and finding simple pleasures. All the tear drops that roll...
Posted by Jamie on Sat, 05 May 2007 05:50:00 PST

Eyes Wide Shut

Do you ever get so overwhelmed with all the unnecessary arguing and bickering, the blame shifting that you not only do to yourselves, but outsiders find a way to put their two cents in too.  And ...
Posted by Jamie on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 03:41:00 PST