New website/myspace for Circus Maximus |
I have finished the brand new website for the Prog-Metallers Circus Maximus from Norway, check it out and discover their fantastic music if you still don't know them Also I have designed their ne... Posted by Ashkar on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 10:21:00 PST |
Guest appearance at Invaders concert |
He sido invitado por la banda Invaders (grupo tributo a Iron Maiden) para tocar unos cuantos temas con ellos. Para mí será un placer, ya que, además de ser amante de la música de los ingleses, los int... Posted by Ashkar on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 02:55:00 PST |
Get a new RMDdesign t-shirt free! |
Hey!Do you want to get the new RMDdesign tee free? Ok, so just send me a message saying why you deserve to have one of them; if your words convince me you will receive the tee. Limited units, it looks... Posted by Ashkar on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 03:15:00 PST |
Interview on the radio |
Ashkar visitará las instalaciones de Radio Voz Málaga para participar en el programa radiofónico "El Antro del Rock". Dicho programa, dirigido y presentado por Rafael Taza, se dedica única y exclusiva... Posted by Ashkar on Sat, 10 May 2008 01:31:00 PST |
Kamelot fan passed away... |
Today is a sad day for me... for a lot of people... for Kamelot. Marko Mäkinen from Finland, knows in the KamForum as McKinnan, passed away last week after several months battling cancer. I met him in... Posted by Ashkar on Tue, 06 May 2008 02:07:00 PST |
Korg artist |
Korg artist - read the article at:
view&id=720&Itemid=65... Posted by Ashkar on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 05:35:00 PST |
Interview about my photographic work |
I have been interviewed by the spanish website Espacio de Creativos about my works in photography. You can read the interview (in spanish) and take a look to some of my photos at the following locatio... Posted by Ashkar on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 05:40:00 PST |