Edwin DENNINGER dusts the world of Blues. This self-taught musician lacks neither ambition or determination. Encounter with a musician who dreams of the one thing: Make people discover his music. Edwin is a guitarist who offers his plectrum to a spectactor. This is a defining gesture of Edwin Denninger, a 27-year old musician who was exercised his strings on the stages of the region since 1994. "The public must feel part of the show", he affirms in a positioned voice. To see him seated calmly at a café terrace in the centre of town one does note imagine a young man who plays the guitar with his teeth on stage.
But nevertheless, "I have a stage act that is quite striking", he admits with a touch of humour. "The concerts permit one to prove what one knows how to do musically." One senses within him the desire to break out, a focused ambition that is quite rare, an intention that is inflexible. Edwin knows what he is worth, without pretension. And he knows what he wants. Growing up between France, Morocco and Tunisa, this self-taught musician has created his own style, between blues and more modern rhythms like funk or soul. Next step, share it on a wider scale.
written by Marion Senant
Edwin DENNINGER (born in 1979 in Versailles, France) is a French Guitarist, Compositor and Singer. He writes his lyrics in English. He counts to the modern Bluesmusicians of our time. He creates his own style, a mix of Blues, Rock, Funk and Soul combined with African elements.
During his childhood he grows up in Tunesia and Morocco. At the age of 13 he discovers the guitar and starts to play it when he listens to Jimi Hendrix on his father's LP. He works on the songs of his master as an autodidact.
After a while he finds out about Stevie Ray Vaughan, Guitarist and Singer himself. He influences Edwin DENNINGER very much. At the same time he listens to the music of BB KING, Buddy GUY, Albert KING, Muddy WATERS, Bernard ALLISON, Lucky PETERSON … but also the music of the artists PRINCE, Keziah JONES and Ben HARPER.
Furthermore the US-American Bluesman Bernard ALLISON , son of the Blues Legend Luther ALLISON, gives Edwin advice on the way to his own modern Blues.
Edwin DENNINGER is known as a skilled guitar player and he makes a lot of gigs in Clubs and wellknown Festivals in France. The Press states his name under the Top10 of most famous and loved artists in South France, they call him a guitar virtuoso and a live-genius.
Edwin DENNINGER already performed live with Mathieu CHÉDID, Bernard ALLISON, Boney FIELDS and others.
Since a short time Edwin DENNINGER lives in Germany to pursue his career on an international scale with his new band.
The Tradition of Texan Blues
At just 25 years old, Edwin Denninger is already a guitar virtuoso recognised in the profession. (...) His powerful and regular blues allied to a clear and positioned voice make this young man from Marseilles of Anglo-Saxon origin a bluesman out of the ordinary. Nice Matin - Sept 2005
Edwin Denninger! It is enough to hear his name once to keep it in mind; it's the same thing for his music! A powerful blues! A regular blues! A blues that has the sound! Briefly, a true blues, a great bluesman! He is young but he is real! - www.person.orange.fr/ct-management/blues-mif-2005
25 years old and a talent of spare: promoters notice! - Le Sax..Aphone Montpellier - Nov 2004
Commence la guitare à 13 ans lorsqu'il écoute Jimi Hendrix pour la première fois.
- Il se prédestine au blues très sérieusement après l'écoute discographique de son idole Stevie Ray Vaughan ainsi que tous les bluesmen qu'il peut voir et entendre (BB King, Buddy Guy, Howlin'Wolf, Albert King, Luther et Bernard Allison...
- Intervenant pour des émissions de Blues à Radio Zinzine (Aix-en-Provence) et a joué live pour celle-ci.
- De nombreux concerts dans le sud de la France et depuis 2004 joue pour des festivals, concerts dans le nord de la France...
- Intervenant Master Class Blues à la Tour d'Aigues (84).
- Rencontre le programmateur de blues international et musicien Ted Ahloyé (alias Ted Hurricane) avec qui, il a eu l'opportunité de jouer et de rester en contact.
- Rencontre plusieurs fois Bernard Allison qui est une influence importante pour lui. B.A lui donne des conseils sur une approche du blues plus moderne. Edwin reste d'ailleurs en contact avec lui.
- En 2006, La Fonderie (www.fonderie-aix.com) produit Edwin Denninger
Über Edwin DENNINGEREdwin DENNINGER entstaubt die Welt des Blues.Diesem self-made Musiker fehlt es weder an Ehrgeiz noch an Entschlossenheit. Rechnen Sie mit einem Musiker der nur einen Traum hat: Menschen seine Musik entdecken zu lassen. Edwin ist ein Gitarrist der seinem Publikum sein Plektrum anbietet. Dies ist eine spezielle Geste von Edwin Denninger, einem 28-jährigen Musiker, der seit 1994 öffentlich aufttritt. "Das Publikum muss sich als Teil der Show fühlen" erklärt er. Wenn man ihn im Straßencafé im Stadtzentrum sitzen sieht, würde man nicht vermuten, dass dieser junge Mann auf der Bühne steht und mit der Zunge Gitarre spielt. Jedoch - "Ich biete einen eindrucksvollen Liveact", gibt er mit einem Lächeln zu. "Konzerte erlauben es zu zeigen, wer es musikalisch wirklich drauf hat". Ihm ist danach auszubrechen mit einer konzentrierten Zielstrebigkeit die sehr selten ist. Edwin weiß seinen Wert zu schätzen, ohne anmaßend zu sein. Und er weiß was er will! Aufgewachsen zwischen Frankreich, Marokko und Tunesien, hat er seinen eigenen Stil kreiert. Ein Mix aus Blues und modernen Rhythmen wie Funk und Soul. Der nächste Schritt ist dies in einem weiterem, internationalen Rahmen zu teilen.
Edwin Denninger-Blues Solo
Love again (E.Denninger) live 22/03/08 at Conny's Come In (DE)
Welcome 2 my world + Hug you, Squeeze you Live (22/03/08)
Love at first sight+Leave my girl alone Part I (22/03/08)
Leave my girl alone Part II Live (22/03/08) at Conny's Come In
Edwin Denninger Group and special guest: Tchalé opened for Bernard Allison (04/03/07, in Aix-en-Provence, France). They made a tribute song to the memory of Bernard's father the late Luther Allison
Edwin Denninger played Stevie Ray Vaughan's stuffs in 2002
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