British Rock Artists Group...We are B.R.A.G. ,British Rock Artists Group,a Brighton
(UK) based collective and currently have 10 active members.
B.R.A.G evolved from a group of artists who attended a workshop with screenprinting legend Chuck Sperry
The silkscreen music poster tradition still thrives inthe USA today and is illustrative of the symbioticrelationship between music and poster art. With theprogression into this century, everything seems possiblein the sphere of silkscreen printing. Conventionalthemes are no longer valid, and the design knows noboundaries. The silkscreen-printing scene now includes adiverse array of artists from graphic design,contemporary art, traditional and Art Nouveau-motifs, allof whom incorporate new ideas, themes, materials andforms.
Whilst the British Movement of silkscreen poster printingis still in its infancy compared to the thrivingtradition in the US, there has been a huge growth ofinterest, reflected in articles published in theGuardian, Creative Review, Grafix Magazine, and Designweek. And, with the Flatstock Poster Exhibitionexhibiting in Europe for the first time this year,existing enthusiasm for silkscreen printing can only be .
In addition, we have begun to establish collaborative
relationships with members of the entertainment industry
and bring the joy of collectible posters to the community.
Exhibited in January 2007, Estonia, invited by the collective
Non Grata. Fifty posters were displayed showcasing our work,
contributing to an international print festival that was held in Parnu.
We have exhibited at the Hotel Pelirocco,Brighton,the recent Poster smash in Bristol and will be showing work at the upcoming poster expo in Manchester.
This year 4 members of BRAG went to San Francisco to work wth Chuck Sperry and Ron Donovan of Firehouse Studios and produced posters for the 40th anniversary of the Summer of Love festival.