My interests are many, I enjoy most anything to do with the outdoors, I hunt, fish, garden, swim, and just lay in the shade and relax. I enjoy listening to music while I’m working or relaxing, and I am always doing one or the other. I enjoy woodworking, and painting as well as my time on the computer chatting with friends. I spend a lot of time in our yard at home planting and taking care of the flower gardens, my wife feeds the birds and squirrels and other critters that come to the yard. I like to go hiking and canoeing but don’t always have time to do it all. Most of all I enjoy learning, I like being in college and I believe it is important to learn something new everyday.
The people I would like to meet, where do I start.
The Founding Fathers of our great Nation, For having the foresight to provide us with the greatest document on earth the Constitution of the United States of America.
All the men and women of the United States Military, for providing us with the freedoms we so enjoy as Americans. Least we not forget that the price of freedom is not free; it is paid with the blood, sweat, and sacrifice of these brave men and women.
Bill Gates, the man behind Microsoft, Who has made all this possible. The most influential person of the 20th century.
The late Albert Einstein, One of the most brilliant minds in history.
The late Alexander Gram Bell and Nikola Tesla, for without them we would not have electricity to power this site.
FYI: To all my friends if you would be so kind to limit pictures to just one per post on friends comments. I do enjoy hearing from everyone but to many pictures makes it hard to read all the comments. Thank you! To everyone else if you are just wanting to peddle porn or try to sell something don’t bother sending a friend request. And this is for the malcontents that like nothing better than to mess with good people and MySpace Pages. WE WILL HUNT YOU DOWN LIKE THE VERMIN YOU ARE, AND ELIMINATE YOU! Ken (Graywolf)!!!!!..
I like most all music, just depends on how I feel at any given time. I like Country music when I am driving in my Jeep, that’s when I like that get down good sound you get from country music. I enjoy Medieval, Celtic, and Classical when I want to relax and reflect.
Lord of the Ring
CSI, NCIS, Without a Trace, Dr.Who, Fallen
Band of Brothers
I would have to say that without a doubt it would be our men and women in uniform. Not just the military but also those in law enforcement and the fire department as well. For it is these men and women that put their lives on the line everyday to protect us the American public. All too often, we take what they do for granted, it is time we show them our thanks for doing the job they do. All too often, we forget whom they are protecting, us the American public and our interests around the world. These men and woman do not get the option of were they will serve they are ordered to duty and serve were they are told. Having been in the United States Army I understand the sacrifices that these men and women make every day, the time they spend away from home, the hardships they face almost everyday, and the family they have to leave behind when in the field or on a mission. There is no group of Americans I admire more than the men and women in uniform service to this great country, I am proud to be an American!