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hey every one my name is jeremy. i am 25 and a proud father my son does not live with me but hes my everything. i am single and looking for that special someone who loves kids and the outdoors at least a lil bit. i like to fish, camp, rockclimb, paintball, sports, beach and more. if your interested in me then hit me up. if it bothers you i have a son then tuff shit if your interested in me then he should not bother you. i had a rough life as a kid moved a lot and was raised by my mom. i saw my mom get beat alot and was beat myself my mom tought me to respect wemon and i try my best to do that treat them with respect. i did not have a normal family growing up so maybe thats why i am big on family and friends. so dont be a stranger have a question ask me if interested in me ask for my cell or message me wanting to get together take care every one.
Name: Jeremy W. Dahling
Birthdate: August 25, 1982
Birthplace: Globe, AZ
Current Location: I*Town, Fl
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5'8"
Piercings: left eyebrowAND TONGUE
Tatoos: 5
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no single
Overused Phraze: im hungry
Food: food in general
Number: 8
Color: blue
Animal: monkey
Drink: gatorade
Alcohol Drink: vodka w. peach schnapps,cranberry and orange juice
Bagel: blueberry
Letter: S
Body Part on Opposite sex: butt and legs
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: B.K.
Strawberry or Watermelon: stawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: no tea
Chocolate or Vanilla chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug: (french)kiss
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: rap
Summer or Winter: winter
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funny
Love or Money: LOVE
Bedtime: whenever
Most Missed Memory: seeing my son
Best phyiscal feature: my eyes and body
First Thought Waking Up: where's breakfast
Goal for this year: to get a management positon at work
Best Friends: eric,julie,trey,amanda,katelyn,Dirk, Ron, Chris
Weakness: food and my son
Fears: not telling
Heritage: Irish-Welsh
Longest relationship: 6 years
Ever Drank: yeah
Ever Smoked: no
Pot: yes
Ever been Drunk: oh yeah
Ever been beaten up: no
Ever beaten someone up: yeah
Ever Shoplifted: yes
Ever Skinny Dipped: no
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yes
Been Dumped Lately: no
Favorite Eye Color: no preference
Favorite Hair Color: dark
Short or Long: long
Height: not taller than me
Style: dosnt matter
Looks or Personality: both
Hot or Cute hot
Drugs and Alcohol: alcohol
Muscular or Really Skinny: in the middle
Number of Regrets in the Past: too many
What country do you want to Visit: ireland/mexico
How do you want to Die: in bed with the woman i married
Been to the Mall Lately: yeah
Do you like Thunderstorms: yeah
Get along with your Parents: yeah
Health Freak: no
Do you think your Attractive: yeah
Believe in Yourself: yeah
Want to go to College: eventually
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Drink: yeah
Shower Daily: yeah
Been in Love: ya
Do you Sing: yes
Want to get Married: yeah
Do you want Children: have 1 want more
Have your future kids names planned out: kinda
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: already have a long time ago
Hate anyone: no

My Interests




Video premiere :Chris Brown - With You
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buggs is rocken
the m

ilitary,sports,camping,fishing,hunting, mudding, working on cars,outdoor stuff in general and trying new things,rockclimbing,bikeing,movies,music,cooking,base ball,street raceing....

how much animal is in you?
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You scored as animal

animal people are very good at sports and love to help people. they also have the will to help animals in need



Sex Sex and more Sex


Take this survey if you openly talk about sex

What is it that you absolutely need sexually? just the girl i love
What is something you have always wanted to try? lots of diff positions
What is something you have never done in bed before? 3 some
What time of day do you like to have sex? any time but manily afternoon evening
What do you absolutely need to see to turn you on? not much my girl giving me peep shots
How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander? dont know
If someone was in the next room while you had sex would it make you nervous or excited? wont bother me
Would it bother you if your bf/gf got naked at a beach or river? ya
Have you ever faked an orgasm? no
What Part of your body are you self-conscious about? dont have one
Do you have any sexual regrets? ya one
If a lover cheated on you would you take them back? i have b4
How Important is sex in your life? medium
How Important is love in your life? alot
What is the biggest fight you have ever had with a bf/gf? being cheted on
Do you believe in make-up sex? ya it is pure passion
Have you ever told a complete stranger something you kept from a lover? not that i can rember
Have you ever had a one night stand? no
Have you ever rebounded and known you were doing so? no
Who did you lose your virginity to? jennifer
When and Where did you lose your virginity? skiped school out side on school grounds
If you could go back in time would you change it or take it back? no
Would you go down on your bf/gf under a restaurant? dont know
Where would you have sex in public? beach in water
Would you ever have sex while at work? sure
Would you have sex in the corner of a department store? dont know
Would you have sex in the rain? hell ya
What movie makes you horny? cant think of any
What is the highest number of orgasms you have had in one sex romp? 8
How many do you wish you could have? dont care
What do you like Trimed,Shaved or natural? shaved or trimed
Would you have sex in a dressing room? hell ya
What sounds do you like to hear during sex? sounds from my girl being pleased
What sounds do you make during sex? never payed attention
What words do you love to hear during sex? dont have a pref
What do you yell during an orgasm? dont know
How many times a week do you like to have sex? at least 2
Do you want to try the 69 position? ya love it
What are your three fav. positions? doggie,standing,cow girl
What are the top 3 erogenous zones on your body? neck,inner thigh,stomac
Top or Bottom? bouth
Bedroom or other room? all
Lights on or off? bouth
Public or Private? private
Partially or Entirely naked? bouth
Oil & Lotion or Candles & Egyptian Cotton Sheets bouth
Naughty Videos or Hott Photos? bouth
Lacy Panties/Silk Boxers or Leather? like to see her in lacy ones
Fast & Hard or Slow & Gentle? mixed
Standing up or Laying down bouth
Soft or Firm touch? depends
Under Covers or On top? depends
Would you ever have sex in your childhood bedroom? no im not traveling that far to have sex in a room i grew up in
Have you ever hooked up on a swing set? no
Is there any desire that you want to try that you think is taboo? not that i can think of now
Any New Positions you havent done but want to try? ya plenty
Do you have any sexual fetishes you want to explore? maybe
Are there any secret desires you have never told? no
Where in the house is your favorite spot to have sex? kitchen/beddroom/bath
What is your favorite thing about sex? getting close to the one i love,to feelher warm skin aganist mine
What is your favorite sexual setting? ?????????????
Whats your Favorite position? doggie
Would you ever work out nude? in private with my girl
Would you have sex on the bench press? ya
Would you ever fool around in a movie theater? ya
Would you ever make a porno with your bf/gf? sure be fun
Would you ever do a photo shoot in sexy clothes for your bf/gf? ya
Do you think you need sex more or less often than the average person? middle
Who was on your mind while you did this survey? wouldnt you like to know


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Christian Survey


Take this survey

Have you been Saved? yes
Have you been Baptised? yes
Which church do you attend? looking for new one
Do you read your Bible daily? try to
Where is your Bible right now? book shelf
Which version of the Bible do you read? dont know
Whats your favorite book in the Bible? psalms
Do you listen to Christian Music OUTSIDE of Church? yes
Favorite Biblical Person? john
Why? not sure
Anything you just dont understand? ya lots
Would you name your child after someone in the Bible? ya
Favorite passage? john 3 16
Do you pray a lot? ya
Define prayer: time i thank the lord for the day other people a private time with him
Are your friends Christians? some
What do you think of other religions? i belive in one god
What is your strongest Spiritual Gift? gift of love
Do you share the word of God with others? ya
Do you believe in Reincarnation? no
When was the last time you read the Bible? 3 days
When was the last time you went to Church? 2 months ago
Do you go to sunday school? used to
Do you participate in your Church activities? when i had a church
Do you tithe? no
Do you think it's best to let your children find their own way? ya when they reach an older age to make a choice
Do you believe in Heaven and Hell? ya
Do couples that pray together stay together? most of the time
Do you find yourself in tears quite often in Church? no

Finish it


Jesus is... the light and the way to salvation
The Bible Is... the word of god
God is... the creator
I sometimes struggle with... temptations
I was blessed with... creativaty
My spiritual goal is... finde new church
Please help me pray for/that... my bro family and ones i care about


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now thats tight










How will you die!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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You scored as Old Age





Old Age























mainly action and horror; Pearl Harbor, Swat, Bad Boys(both), Fast and the Furious,event horizon,1408,&#23,300,kindom of heaven,troy,


T-Pain feat Akon Bartender
Add to My Profile | More VideosJ.Holiday - Bed
Add to My Profile | More Videos(yes i have one.) comedy central,Cops,Prisin Break,24, CSI:Miami,cmt,bet,trick my ride,trick my truck

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shawty is a ten
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religious, books by M.P. Gills, the left behind seris,steven king,mystery.



my grandfather,dale jr,and my son

~What Type Of Angel Are You?~
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You scored as Angel protector

Your a protecter, and angel who protects others, keeping them safe from evil. Your kind and giving but hopefully someone doesnt make you to mad... You would sacrifce yourself to save other inocent people, you are brave and trong in will.

Angel protector




Secret Angel


Broken Angel


Rath Angel


My Blog

a day off

       A DAY OFF!! So you want the day off. lets take a look at what you are asking for. There are 365 days per year available for work. There are 52 weeks per yaer in wh...
Posted by jeremy on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 08:34:00 PST

new poem

               NEVER! Never say you love me if you dont really care, never talk about feelings if they are not really there.... never lo...
Posted by jeremy on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 08:04:00 PST

new poem

                            INCARCEATED! Incarceated traped in my demented mi...
Posted by jeremy on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 07:55:00 PST

new poem

                     LAST A LIFETIME! The bond between mother and son is a special one. it remains unchang...
Posted by jeremy on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 08:46:00 PST

new poem

   A SMILE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS!!! I sit here and see memories of us, pictures show our love, grown from lust 18 months you've stuck by my side,a time so short compared to our lives. yo...
Posted by jeremy on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 11:00:00 PST

new poem

   A SMILE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS!!! I sit here and see memories of us, pictures show our love, grown from lust 18 months you've stuck by my side,a time so short compared to our lives. yo...
Posted by jeremy on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 11:04:00 PST

more poems

Posted by jeremy on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 11:55:00 PST

more poems

         A LITTLE PEICE OF HEAVEN As i sit and wonder, your face is what i see, what makes you so appealing, just to me.   It hit me just like lightning, i...
Posted by jeremy on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:28:00 PST

more poems

Posted by jeremy on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:08:00 PST

poems by me

Posted by jeremy on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 07:18:00 PST