music, practicing, animals, biking around Brooklyn's neighborhoods, not sleeping at night, confusing people with my behavior, running, travels, trips.
anything by Almodovar, Fellini, Kusturica, Mihalkov.
got no time
knite runner(thanks to my friend sam),Calvino's If on the winter night a traveler (thanks to ex-friend matt),all the pretty horses (my best friend Christine's favorite book-now one of my favorites),Rushdie's Fury and Midnight's children (my pick!), ostrov krym, deti arbata (my mom has a good taste in books),Saramago's Blindness (thanks to Nuno),goat's fist, Malcom X (best autobiography ever!), chekov's short stories, bulgakov, bunin, joyce( felt like a hero after reading Ulysseus, but his short stories are very natural and sweet),beckett's plays,kafka's Trial and short stories, Murakami's and Kundera's love stories, Allende's magical realism and stories about old prostitues (what could be better?),Ilf and Petrov's 12 Chairs and Zolotoi Telenok,National Geographics, Economist, New Yorker, some russian poetry (Tzvetayeva, Akhmatova, Mayakovsky, Pushkin). I'm looking forward to when I'm old and retired so I will have time to read all books I want to read.
Ostap Bender - Komandovat' paradom budu ya!Banksy- If you want audience, put up a fight.