world literature, brasil, ninjas, japan, art, japanese art, futurism, orientalism, painters like naoto hattori, mark ryden, gustav klimt, schiele, rembrandt, constantin koronin. i like making small talk with strangers, learning hand gestures from different cultures. i like the cultural scene one finds in cities like berlin, barcelona, buenos aires, sao paulo, tokyo, st. petersberg, and of course, new york city. i also like the mediterranean coast, all the way around. brazil, beaches, el caribe, dancing, learning languages. talking to people, in general.
blues, gypsy, electronic, cuban, classical/jazz fusion, brazilian funk, the 80's, hendrix. i'd really like some recommendations from music snobs. sometimes i just savor the sounds of the subway.
house of sand and fog... city of god, amelie, i heart huckebees, napolean dynamite, easy rider, zorba the greek, black orpheus, gloomy sunday, 3 amigos, bar fly, films by kurosawa, federico fellini, jean-luc godard, uhh, ran, big lebowsky, tron, star wars, team america. old boy. others.
television is evil and a purveyor of all manner of manipulative trash. i hate television. i like south park, the daily show, the simpsons, family guy.
cien años de soledad, jose saramago, italo calvino, lermontov, hannah arendt, heidegger, nietzsche, bukowsky, jean jenet, dostoevsky, umberto eco, arturo perez-riverte, the shogun saga, into the wild, on the road, any book by hermann hesse or steve martin, goethe- the sorrows of young werther, letters to a young poet by rilke, henry miller, nabokov, foucault.... e. e. cummings, coleridge, poems from the japanese and the chinese. nikos kazanzakis, naguib mahfouz. ultimately, i can't recall a lot of what i've read.
people who have integrity. my parents. henry miller, jean jenet, or any other who faced off with adversity in our society or another more controlling.