!Willverine!-I am the former Bassist/Vocalist for the now defunct dirtcore band, BOILER . We were signed to the (also now defunct) Mayhem record label. We toured around the country quite extensively. BOILER was together for 10 of the best years of my life, and while I don't miss the "music industry", I do miss the band quite a bit.
And, uhhh...me
Some BOILER fans join us on stage for the song "Stegosaurus"
Willagorilla-I Hate the rightwing!
I will do anything (that is still legal) to defeat it. Not only do I think that The Bush Crime Family should be impeached, but it is my hope that they all see the inside of a prison someday. These Neo-Cons are destroying America and turning it into a corporate fascist cess pool. They legitimize torture, spy on American citizens without a warrant, use fear and lies to further their war-profiteering, destroy the environment, steal elections, etc., etc., and friggin' ETC! Currently, I moderate a Yahoo Group called TrailerParkWisdom which has about 480 members. In it, you will find Bush quotes (I call them Bush-its), jokes, and news that you won't find on CNN or FOX ( AKA...Fascist Orwellian Xenophobes). I also belong to a few groups including People For The American Way , the thirst quenching Drinking Liberally , Move On , and I am a card carrying member of The American Civil Liberties Union (A.C.L.U.) .
Will-My wife and I have been together for 7 years (and married for 4 of those 7 years). Originally from New York State, my wife and I now work and own a home in Georgia.