Brian profile picture


I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I was born in Fort Wayne and lived on the southside until I was eight. I moved out to southwest allen and have lived there ever since. I'm a man who enjoys his firearms. I'm a gun enthusiast. I have a Smith and Wesson Sigma 9mm and a Springfield 1911 .45 ACP,I have a pump action 6 rd shotgun. I also like to play video games. I have a Xbox360, an Xbox, PS2, SNES, and a Gamboy Advance SP. I play bass, a Yamaha, and I think I'm pretty good. Right now I work at Scott's in Coventry and it's alright. I also do some martial arts, Taekwondo, from time to time. Honor, Respect, and Loyalty are three atributes I have and want to maintain forever. AIM BMack413
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My Interests

Weapons, Martial arts, Video Games, Reading about stuff that interests me, and Playing Bass

I'd like to meet:

My Mom, she died when I was two. Miyamoto Musaahi


Everything, Metal, Jazz, Classic Rock, Funk, everything.


Man on Fire, Way of the Gun, King of New York, Taxi Driver, Road to Perdition, The Warriors, Boyz N the Hood, Predator, The Last Samurai, Scarface, Major Payne, Lords of Dogtown, Men In Black, Equilibrium, Independence Day, Requiem for a Dream, Collateral, Knockaround Guys, Waking Life, Empire, Boondock Saints and others, action and comedy


The First 48, Dallas SWAT, Kansa City SWAT, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Family Guy, Futurama, Cowboy Bebop, Mission Hill, The Colbert Report


Miyamoto Musashi's Book of Five Rings discusses the combat strategies of the legendary Japanese swordsmen Miyamoto Musashi