Reading, knitting, photography, drawing, painting, music, traveling, nerding, sexing, kissing, loving, letting my mouth run faster than my brain, cleaning, prancing, rock the earth, sierra club, amnesty international, aspca, phunky bitches, smacking brads fine ass.
..You. A I M ees ohmilliegrace
Wailing crackbabies.
Lost in Translation, The Libertine, Punch Drunk Love, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Welcome to the Dollhouse, American Splendor, Donnie Darko, Last Life in the Universe, Easy Rider, The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra, Home Movie, IT, Waking Life, Bug, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Last Picture Show, A Clockwork Orange, The Terminal, Interview with the Vampire, Trainspotting, Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2, Fight Club, Ong Bak, Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, El Analfabeto, Five Children and It (squee eddie izzard- Circle, Sexie, Dressed to Kill, Definite Article, Unrepeatable..), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Big Fish, Zoolander, The Professional, American Beauty, Garden State, Moulin Rouge, Changing Lanes, Crash, Cat Soup, Contact, In Good Company, House of Flying Daggers, Blow, Midnight Express, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Phantom of the Opera (1943), Dopamine..
the bone woman- clea koff, on the road and dharma bums by jack kerouac, no thanks- ee cummings, memoirs of a geisha- authur golden, fear and loathing in las vegas- thompson, ECCE, ROMANI!, the rum diary-thompson, blue highways- william least heat moon, river horse- w.l.h.m, into the wild-jon krakauer, alive- piers paul reid, raise high the roofbeam carptenters and seymore an introduction- jd sallinger, the serpent and the rainbow- wade davis, siddhartha- hesse, alice's adventures in wonderland and through the looking glass- carroll, phantom-susan kay, the phantom of the opera-gaston leroux, one flew over the cuckoo's nest- kesey, the electric kool-aid acid test- wolfe, jane eyre- bronte, how i became stupid- martin page, invisible monsters- palahniuk, peyote hunt (the sacred journey of the huichol indians)- barbara g myerhoff.. BLAH.
Brad Crossland and the Little Prince, often one in the same.