playin house bitch! riding my kink (bmx), my dirt bike, girls, my job, friends, strange things that have no meaning, my dirt bike again, playin house again, ridin my kink...again. I have and addicative personality so i do all these in xtreme amounts untill i get sick of one and then i do the other untill im burnt out on that. Its a vicous circle of addiction... and of couarse the RAVE
the devil in my head that makes me do stupid shit! Although im not sure if i would kick it in the head or give it a high five. People who are strange, different, and challange me to think.
house- paul anthony, funk monkeys, filter freq, brian jones, mike gillenwater,mark alimaria, I love dave armstrong, angel alanis, eric prydes, charles feelgood, antione clamarion, are some of the favorites off the top of my head, the list goes on, DnB, deep house, jazzy dnb, electro, breaks, goa and physic trance hard techno, deep tech, most forms of electronic music. But I have a deep passion for house music, it seriously sets my soul free.
Doors, the Matrix all of them, Fear of Loathing in Las Vages, all varites of porn!!!!
My name is Earl, Law and Order, otherwise tv sucks!
magazines count? i hate reading books my attention span is to short. Ive tryed all through my life to finish a book and the only one i ever finished was a bio on Jim Morrison i read at the St. Criox county inn... JAIL. So BMX plus, Ride BMX, BPM thats about it.
george's bush, the pioneers of what you people call action sports, i call ridding. Brian foster, todd lyons, cory nastizeo, SEAN PAULMER, jim rippey! mike metzger, jeremy mcgrath, cary hart, travis pastrana, just to name a few. and my momma fool