Gamble profile picture


About Me

going to the mountains! going home?

My Interests

travelling, books, the smell of old books, comic books, video games, adventures, leprechauns, long long socks, writing, reading, hopping, latin, greek, mythology, paladins, WoW, getting lost, languages, vagabonding, fixing the World? non-profit organizations and how they're run, the kindness of strangers, crackling fireplaces, hot cocoa too, cloaks, mma, comic con SD, other places, evolution, chivalry, book binding, dark chocolate, good tea made properly, juggling, soon to be parkour?, malted milkshakes, people, love, then adventures some more

I'd like to meet:

A partner in crime, sail the seven seas with me.


this list is ever changing. bob dylan and manu chao never leave it and cloud dead just entered it.


pulp fiction, kill bill vol. 1 & 2, reservoir dogs, (nearly anything tarantino), boondock saints, the incredibles, ratatouille, iron giant, (everything brad bird), spirited away, my neighbor totoro, princess mononoke, howl's moving castle, kiki's delivery service, naussica, audition, amelie, superman returns, batman begins, rocky (the first one), labyrinth, neverending story, star wars (the old trilogy), serenity


firefly, battlestar galactica, lost, arrested development, venture brothers, good eats, mythbusters, most adult swim


aeneid (latin version), any tolkien, philip pullman books, neal stephenson books (snow crash, the diamond age), neil gaiman books, scott pilgrim series, orson scott card, the third chimpanzee, a severe mercy, lolita, harry potter, most heinlein, shel silverstein, maus, a history of violence, peter pan

My Blog

wrinkley pink

Sis just popped out another. Went into labor at 6pm, done deal by 10pm! Name is Seth Alexander Flynn; I like it. This one's even pretty cute ;)...
Posted by Gamble on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 02:48:00 PST


Posted by Gamble on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 11:35:00 PST

New Orleans

Upon return I've unfortunately fallen deleriously in love with New Orleans again. I could eat, sleep, and breath this city for countless days-- countless because nobody counts them here. I've finally ...
Posted by Gamble on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 12:07:00 PST