Auto Insurance, The Mysterious Stranger, Spying, helping the environment and working with charities, movies, pop culture, the wild west, racing and cars, pink, baseball, the wilderness, animals,, and a lot, lot more!
My Handler, The Mysterious Stranger, Esurance Customers and people who need auto insurance.
A lot of different stuff, throughout the all decades and all genres, I like rock best, I think, and a lot of techno, even classical.
Film noir is nice, and so is the latest blockbuster at your local theater! Watch out, you never know where *I* might pop up next!
Esurance commercials! Watch them on ERINCAM!
I love to read, and thankfully I can do more than just read about Auto Insurance since Esurance is so easy! I do know a lot about the subject, however.
The creators of Esurance, and other tough, sexy female spies!