Erin Esurance profile picture

Erin Esurance

When you're on the go, you gotta have Esurance

About Me

I am in no way affliated with It is a wonderful site, and if you need Auto Insurance, please visit it. This is a ROLEPLAY profile made for fun.
Erin Esurance is the fictional protagonist in a series of animated television commercials produced by Esurance Inc. and Wild Brain, Inc as advertising tie-ins.
She is nimble and sexy, drawing on the fictional archetypes of Danger Diabolik and Barbarella. Presumably she lives and works in a timeline parallel to our own, however her living quarters and vehicles are heavily influenced by the "groovy" populuxe style of the 1960's, an unabashed nod to her archetypes. An interesting note, one commercial reveals that she works in an office, which we can assume is the Esurance building, during which her hair is actually brown and wears glasses. Only until she suits up and 'transforms' does she gain the pink hair color and lose the glasses.
Erin also seems to have a crush on the man she refers to as The Mysterious Stranger. They meet periodically from time to time, as he asks for information about Esurance. He seems to know about it, but usually asks anyway, just to get to know her better. They are usually seperated due to either Erin running off or being chased away by bad guys.

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My Interests

Auto Insurance, The Mysterious Stranger, Spying, helping the environment and working with charities, movies, pop culture, the wild west, racing and cars, pink, baseball, the wilderness, animals,, and a lot, lot more!

I'd like to meet:

My Handler, The Mysterious Stranger, Esurance Customers and people who need auto insurance.


A lot of different stuff, throughout the all decades and all genres, I like rock best, I think, and a lot of techno, even classical.


Film noir is nice, and so is the latest blockbuster at your local theater! Watch out, you never know where *I* might pop up next!


Esurance commercials! Watch them on ERINCAM!


I love to read, and thankfully I can do more than just read about Auto Insurance since Esurance is so easy! I do know a lot about the subject, however.


The creators of Esurance, and other tough, sexy female spies!