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I was trained as a Jedi Knight from a young age, first by Yoda and later by Qui-Gon Jinn. During my early years, I fell in love with fellow Jedi Siri Tachi. Unlike my later padawan, Anakin Skywalker, Siri and I mutually decided to suppress our love so we could continue the Jedi path. Throughout our lives, we remained close, and I openly admitted that no one knew me better than Siri.
As a padawan, I accompanied Master Qui-Gon Jinn on a mission to Naboo, the planet ruled by Queen Padm� Amidala. During an unscheduled landing on Tatooine, my master stumbled upon Anakin Skywalker, a young slave who showed tremendous potential with the Force. Believing the boy to be the prophecized "Chosen One" who would bring balance to the Force by destroying the Sith, Master Jinn wanted the boy to be trained as a Jedi. The council and I disagreed, believing the boy was already too old and too emotional to become a Jedi. After helping Queen Amidala regain Naboo, my master and I faced the Sith Lord Darth Maul. Wielding a double-bladed lightsaber, Maul separated me from the duel and fatally stabbed Qui-Gon. Enraged, I charged at Maul and cut the his lightsaber in half. Maul still overcame the me, however, and pushed me down a chasm, kicking his lightsaber down it. Master Jinn's lightsaber was still nearby, however, and after launching myself out of the chasm, I called it into my hand and cut Maul in half. I honored my master's last wish to train young Skywalker, and the Jedi Council named me a Jedi Knight, reluctantly approving my request to take the boy on as my Padawan.
Ten years later, my padawan and I were tasked with protecting Padm�, now a Senator, after an attempt was made on her life. I tracked a mysterious assassin to Kamino, and learned about a massive clone army that the Kaminoans were building for the Republic. The situation was further complicated by my young Padawan: by now a headstrong, arrogant teenager, Skywalker was beginning ignore my teachings in favor of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's flattery and subtle denunciations of the old Jedi ways. I attempted to apprehend bounty hunter Jango Fett, but Fett escaped to Geonosis with his son Boba. I followed them. On Geonosis, I uncovered a conspiracy of star systems that wanted to secede from the Republic, led by Count Dooku, a rogue Jedi. I was captured shortly after sending a message to Anakin. He and Padm� arrived on Geonosis, but they too were captured, and we were sentenced to death by the Geonosians. The executions were prevented by the timely arrival of Jedi and clone reinforcements, led by Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Yoda. My padawan and I confronted Count Dooku and fought him. Dooku defeated both of us and cut off Anakin's right arm. Master Yoda arrived, saved us, and fought Dooku as well, but the Sith Lord managed to escape.
During the clone wars, I, like many other Jedi, was made a general in charge of Republic Clone forces. Also, I had been given the rank of Jedi Master, as well as a seat on the Jedi Council. I was known as one of the greatest swordsmen the order had ever seen, and the definitive master of Form III (Soresu) lightsaber combat. Shortly prior to the Battle of Coruscant, Anakin and I had been leading a regiment of clones in the Outer Rim sieges, but the Council recalled us to rescue the Chancellor after General Greivous attacked and kidnapped him. We boarded Grievous' flagship, the Invisible Hand, and fought their way to the Chancellor. In the process, the we fought with Dooku, who managed to render me unconscious during the fight before being slain by Anakin. Unfortunately, Grievous was able to escape. After General Grievous' location on the planet Utapau was discovered, the Council dispatched me and my regiment of clones to kill or capture General Grievous. After a prolonged fight, I killed Grievous, only to be attacked by my own clone forces shortly afterwards, who were acting under Order 66 to kill their Jedi Generals. I escaped by stealing Grievous' starfighter and rendezvousing with Senator Organa and Yoda. We returned to Coruscant, where Yoda and I discovered that every Jedi in the Jedi Temple had been murdered, even the children. We killed the clones remaining at the Temple from the attack there led by none other than my former apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, now a Sith Lord. Kenobi reprogrammed a beacon which had been instructing all remaining Jedi to return to Coruscant (where they surely would be slain) to warn them to stay away. Master Yoda and I split up to confront the two Sith Lords, Palpatine and Darth Vader, respectively. I did not wish to fight Anakin, whom I loved as my brother, but only Yoda was powerful enough to confront Sidious. I found Vader at the volcanic moon of Mustafar. I attempted to reason with him and to pull him away from the dark side, but Vader was mad with power and corrupted, leaving the me no choice but to engage in a long and epic duel with my former apprentice. I eventually secured the high ground, and attempted to persuade my former padawan to give up. Vader ignored my warnings and leapt forward to deliver the killing blow, leaving him open for me, with little choice, to cut off his legs and remaining arm with one swift flash. I could not kill him, however, and so left Vader burning on the volcanic slopes, carrying Anakin's lightsaber with me. I was forced into hiding on a remote and hostile planet, Tatooine, where I went by the name of Ben Kenobi. In accordance with a secret counsel with Senator Bail Organa and Yoda, I assisted in hiding Anakin and Padm�'s children after she died in childbirth. Luke was put on Tatooine with Owen Lars, so that I could look after him in secret. During this time, Yoda told me that I had more training: that the spirit of Qui-Gon would teach me how to learn to become one with the Force after death.
Years later, Luke Skywalker's droid, R2-D2, played a message from Princess Leia Organa asking for his assistance in delivering the schematics of the Death Star to Alderaan. I was willing to help, of course, and took young Luke Skywalker under my wing in order to teach him the ways of the Force with the intention of fully training the boy later, on Alderaan. When Luke asked me about his father, I told him the truth, from a certain point of view. Luke and I bought passage to Alderaan on smuggler Han Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon. Before we reached their destination, however, Alderaan was destroyed by the Death Star and Tarkin's orders. The Millennium Falcon was captured by the Death Star's tractor beam. Princess Leia Organa was onboard and was rescued by Han and Luke. Meanwhile, I disabled the tractor beam so we could escape. En route to my own escape, I was confronted by Darth Vader and we dueled. I sacrificed myself, Vader's lightsaber cutting me in half, and I became one with the Force, my body disappearing entirely.
Thanks to Qui-Gon and Yoda's training, I became a Force ghost who advised Luke as a mentor whom the Sith could not touch, telling Luke to use the Force to destroy the Death Star. I also told Luke to go to the Dagobah system for further training with Yoda. After Luke had been trained as a Jedi, I appeared in Dagobah to try and dissuade him from going to Cloud City, where Vader was holding Han and Leia hostage, as I felt Luke was not yet ready to face Vader one-on-one. Luke was nearly killed in a lightsaber duel with Vader, who revealed to him that he was his father and tried to enlist him into the dark side of the Force. Luke escaped, but was haunted by the truth I "withheld" from him.
After Yoda died, I appeared on Dagobah to explain to a heartbroken, troubled Luke why I told him what I did about his father, and to confess that Leia was his sister. I then tried to explain to Luke that killing Vader was the only way to destroy the Empire and save the galaxy, even if Vader was his father. After the destruction of Vader, the Emperor, and the Empire, I appeared alongside the souls of fellow Jedi Yoda and a redeemed Anakin Skywalker on Endor, watching over Luke and his comrades as they celebrated the destruction of the second Death Star.
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