♥debra profile picture


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About Me

Love all kinds of Music (especially anything that feels good to dance to), the Outdoors, the Yankees, the Giants, the Heat, the Panthers (yeah well gotta rep my FLA boyz too)Surfing (though it's been a while),Texas Hold'em, Pizza, Loaded Potato Skins, Salad with Ranch only, Caramel Machiatto's(Starbucks),Honey Bunches of Oats, Cheesecake, Vanilla Ice Cream with Strawberries and Special K (Yummmm), Sushi, 7 Layer Burritos NO sour cream EXTRA Guacamole, Mojitos, Ice Cold Coronas, Silver Jewelry, ANYTHING from Hollister, My family, My friends, Jesus, (these thing are not necessarily in any order) I absolutely despise drama, but somehow it always seems to find me. I don't have a problem with anyone who doesn't have a problem with me, though I have zero tolerance for lazy people (especially at the drive thru), bad drivers and anyone that lies or is deceitful or judgemental oh..and people who assume things that they are completely clueless about! If you wanna be friends then be str8 with me..if not keep walking..don't waste my time with alot of blah blah blah when your intentions are not for real..i'm ALL about keepin it real...thats what gets me in trouble! the only thing left to say is that I AM truly Fabulous!!!!!
words i live by: "Prepare for the worst and hope for the best this way you'll never feel let down"..."Life is not suppose to be fair"..."If you never have disappointment, you would never appreciate the good stuff when it came around"..."If you give a guy too much rope he will usually hang himself"..."Laugh instead of cry even if you have to force yourself and fake it"..."if it's not broken don't fix it..but if it is throw the damn thing out!!!"..."too many cooks spoil the paella"..."When you finally find your soulmate don't you ever let him go"..."Don't ever regret anything that once made you happy or smile!"
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My Interests

"More often than not, people will forget what you've said or done. But they will never forget how you made them feel" ~ Maya Angelou ~

i paint kids art..love interior design and interior decorating..all kinds of music..love to dance..sometimes in front of the mirror..love to laugh..love to make others laugh..jus chill with good friends..glass of cabernet..i can be very random..im passionate about everything i do..own more shoes than i care to count..and cd's..love nice clothes..but i love my sweats and kicks too..can tie a cherry stem with my tongue..eat whatever i want..work out if i feel like it.. sometimes not for months..have to drink my coffee in the morning..curse at bad drivers..miss Christmas in new york..loved my childhood..can hang wit da boyz..im a friend for life..great listener..not judgemental..give great hugs..better kisses..i'm very uhhhhm lets just say..im in tune to myself and whoever that special person is in my life..im a giver..love to make people happy..like walking barefoot..a guys forearm is super sexy..get my teeth cleaned every 3 months..always wanted a Jack Russell..sometimes i won't squish an ant if he's carrying food or another dead ant..catch baby lizards and put them outside..im not good with plants..though i love them..i love orchids..and tangerine colored roses..wild exotic flowers..children singing..things that smell nice..warm fresh bread with butter..lumpy mashed potatoes..my cozy big bed..chanks(flip flops)..tiny bikini's..the beach..barbecues..frozen rum runners..black and blue mojitos..Home Depot..don't like grocery shopping..the lines at walmart suck..can fix almost anything..but rather pay someone to change my oil..love to lick cake batter..still love to play baseball..thinking about a tattoo...have long legs for my height..can go out with no makeup and a ballcap..as long as i have on my silver hoop earrings..hated math..love writing..love the word "siempre"..dislike doin business with people who don't understand "AMERICAN" english ARRGGGHHH!..love my gummy bears..but leave the pineapple ones for last..don't see my closest girlfriends often enough..tell all the people i love that i love them as often as possible..want to travel cross country..and around the world..want to learn to play guitar before my last breath..take way too long to pick out a card..but i know it's the perfect one when i finally cry..can prob go on with this for a lil longer but i'm getting hungry..so ttyl ♥

I'd like to meet:


"if it feel's good...i like it"


trashy romance novels.... The Bible...nice balance huh!


duh...Jesus of course! And all of our soldiers who are protecting our freedom

ok i haven't gotton my tatt yet
but i know He'll still love me when i do!

Greater love has no one than this, that He lay down His life for His friends.

John 15:13

My Blog

Remember and Pray

Posted by ♥debra on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 01:34:00 PST