Kendall Summers profile picture

Kendall Summers

Watch out!!! :-)

About Me

Hi there! I'm Kendall Summers. I'm a busy model in Missouri. My career has just really taken off for me so i will try and update this site as much as i can. My personal website will be up and running soon so keep an eye out for a message from me about that.You will be able to see allot more of me on there ;-)
A little about me, my favorite color is purple and my favorite band is Bon Jovi(that is what the superman tattoo on me stands for). I travel all over to see them play and i have been a fan for over 18 years.
I have a toy poodle and a rhodesian ridgeback dog and of course i LOVE to shop :-) I will be selling calendars,photos and other items for you to buy as well as autograph items. I will also be posting my personal appearances so you can come meet me in person ;-)
Not to be rude, but when emailing me on here, please don't just say What up, hit me up, you fine, can leave those in a comment for me, if you want to exchange emails then please actually say something to me ;-)
I try and answer all emails, but please be patient if I don't get back with you soon, my schedule can be very crazy, But please know i do read them all!!
Thank you for stopping by myspace and see you soon!!!
Upcoming Things:
• 2007 Personal Calendar
• Personal Website
• FitModels Intl Magazine
• EasyRider Magazine
• Lucky7 Girl
• DVD and photos for author Kevin Hogan's book
Cast In:
Snoop Dogg Video- Vato
MTV's Bam's Unholy Union
Come see me at Glamourcon in Chicago!!!
Brooklyn and Myself In AZ for work

My Interests

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I'd like to meet: i really need to say.... BON JOVI of course!!!!!

The best night next to having my kids :-)
July 2005


Myself with Lori and Jen in Vegas!!

Me and the absolute adorable Bruce at Rain

Myself with the ever sexy Doug at Rain

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