My sincere thanks go out to the great folks at Google for their decision to add my sometimes called "offensive, trashy, disgusting, and perverted profile" to their awesome search engine. Thanks guys,,,,,,YOU ROCK, AND YOU LET THE TRUTH ROCK TOO!!!
I greatly admire the pin-up girl nose art used to adorn U.S. heavy bombers during WWII - in their dire contest for our "freedom" - and I desire my TOP 24 to follow this art form as nearly as possible. Can't you just feel the throb of the four massive engines, from each of a squadron of B24 Liberators - resplendent with their sexy nose art ( for morale! ), bristling with their ten .50 caliber Brownings ( for defence ), struggling to get air-born with a huge payload of ordnance.....bound for enemy targets? It's a well known fact that the female form has a calming effect, on males who find themselves under severe duress. Think about that while your leg bounces to the rhythm of my latest classic, and while you admire my friends. Then raise your right hand in salute to the young airmen who left those distant and forgotten honor of them who neither saw nor shared a kiss with their favorite girl again. They did, in fact, take a ride into the very arms of Hell, and they did, indeed, exchange their lives in a hope for this future that we now inhabit. So let us use this opportunity they purchased with their lives to actually endeavor to bring meaningful change to this, our country. The motto of the great state of New Hampshire is: "LIVE FREE OR DIE".....great words for every true patriot to live by, and hold dear.'ll never get a glimpse of your own future, if you don't know your ancestors past....and I can't stress this enough!! Fuck horoscopes, get your heads out of your assholes, and read your history texts!!!!!! I wish I only knew what it would take to wake America up from it's DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP, pathetic slumber!!
Classic Rock-in' Roll music of the 60's and 70's, and some of the newer stuff.
For the conscientious, thinking mind, I recommend: Aaron Russo's: FREEDOM TO FASCISM.....view it right here on my page. It's the second video down, and it's truly worth watching in it's entirety. If you don't like the way "your" Government spends YOUR money, STOP FUNDING IT!!!!!! It's completely within your Constitution right to do so!!
News junkie, Pentagon Channel, Court TV/Forensic Files/true crime, History Channel, The Learning Channel, Discovery Channel, National Geographic....anything which actually teaches something worth knowing.
Here's four, all authored by Bill Gertz, which I urgently recommend......1. ENEMIES-How America's Foes Steal Our Vital Secrets-and How We Let It Happen. 2. THE CHINA THREAT. 3. TREACHERY-How America's Friends and Foes Are Secretly Arming Our Enemies. 4. BETRAYAL. Also, be sure to read: COLDER THAN HELL - A Marine Rifle Company at Chosin Reservoir, by: Joseph R. Owen
Sometimes "Heroes" emerge from strange quarters. For example, Adolph Hitler's Reich-Marshall, Hermann Goering, did future generations a great service when shortly before committing suicide in prison (using cyanide capsules that were smuggled to him) he revealed an astonishing truth to the world. To know what he said, find his statement in my pages of pics, and read what he had to tell you, your children, and your grand children. History has an odd way of repeating itself, and the "leaders" of America today have certainly taken Goering's words to heart! Sad but true, Hermann Goering was far, FAR more intelligent than the average American "taxpayer" 1940....or today! American taxpayers are pathetic.....they have their God given right to bear arms, but not many of them realize that their true enemy resides within their borders....and not without, just like the people of Germany, Italy and Japan faced decades ago. What's the difference in the Nazis going into France, France going into Vietnam, or the U.S. going into Afghanistan and Iraq, and telling the citizens of those countries that they will now think, live and act like their conquerors? People absolutely DO NOT enjoy being told how to live their lives!! Just as it didn't work for Germany or France, (perhaps that was what France was trying to tell us....if we had only listened!!) why should we expect any different results??? Well....we shouldn't leave out of the equation that Shrub's grand daddy, Senator Prescott Bush, helped to finance Adolph a Google search, if you please...