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Robert (Bob)

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to

About Me

I'm here to tell everyone that both the "War on Terror", and the "War on Drugs", are a total crock of BS that has been provoked and prolonged by the richest men on earth. Go to Google and enter: heroin production of Afghanistan, read a few of the top selections, and just see for yourself where America's tax dollars are being spent. The only thing we've accomplished there is to get the heroin production back up to full I guess "Poppy" Bush didn't like that the Taliban had outlawed the production of heroin in that country!!While, yes, there were some 3,000 killed in the 9-11 attacks ( 5 years later the nation responsible is still being debated, however, public opinion polls hold the U.S. responsible ), there are fully 10 times this number who die by suicide in the "Great", United States of America - each and every year. Many, if not most of these 30,000 plus are between the youthful ages of 10 and 24, and our president speaks of "no child being left behind". Now, I've never heard of any willingness on the part of our Federal Government to spend 9 billion dollars a month to ascertain what's going on with that, but this is the amount we are wasting every single month, in Iraq alone!! So, saving the lives of Americans is clearly NOT what this administration is about, and one would have to be an absolute idiot to believe that it is.No, as always, it's all about the chosen, getting richer yet off the backs of the poor, down-trodden taxpayers! Their "mission" has definitely been "accomplished", in this regard. When the war in Iraq started, Halliburton stock was selling for a lousy 10 bucks a share, and today it's selling for something over $35.00 a share!!! Isn't it wonderful to work all our lives so that a few assholes can get fabulously wealthy?!?!?! It's no wonder that so many here in the U.S. find their lives not worth living. Think about one in this country kills himself because they're afraid of dying in a counter, "terrorist attack". Truly, there is NO future in a sinking ship - so why are we trying to force OUR version of Hell onto other nations - nations whom don't even WANT a free ride on our sinking ship?It's time that the poorest of our taxpayers, and their children, lift their heads and open their eyes.....before it's forever too late. Within the next year or two the draft will be re-instated, and all of our young men will get their chance to fight and die for their sacred role as....."taxpayer", otherwise known as SLAVE. America was, for all intents and purposes, destroyed on 9-11-2001. Once again we took the bait ( remember North Korea in 1950, and the Chosin Reservoir campaign, when General MacArthur ordered U.S. troops to engage "a few Chinese volunteers", and after fighting 30,000 Chinese regulars, our 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, Baker Company, fled with just 27 half frozen, stumbling survivors....when every officer was either dead or critically wounded, and were dragged out through the snow on their ponchos? So much for U.S. fucking "intelligence", and the "police actions" of the United Nations!) and there's no need for any further attacks here at home.All that is left for us now is to spend ourselves into final ruin - we are collapsing from within! Once the U.S. is cut off from borrowing any more funds from the World Bank, with which to wage wars it simply cannot win (the war with North Korea is now in it's 56th year, with some 32,000 U.S. troops still active on their border, and all N. Korea has to do is play head games with us and we are willing to give them millions of dollars worth of messed up is that???).....that's when the war will be brought home. The "enemy" has great patience, and can wait for as many years as that may take, while the great United States seemingly can't wait to borrow itself into ruination!! Get real, there's no way America can wage war against Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Syria, Sudan , Afghanistan, Iraq, and Venezuela all at once, and this is just the vanguard of nations with whom our nation has inspired world-wide despise of itself. There are many more, waiting in the wings. Once the real fighting begins, the U.S. will find itself literally without allies, nor the revenue to fight with!! We are now merely blowing our wad, getting ever more Nations pissed off with us, and going ever deeper in debt! The last time I checked, the U.S.A. was some 50 trillion dollars in debt....and rising!!Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. ( Proverbs 16:18 ) Honestly, whom or what comes first in your life....Pride? God? Family? Country? Fellow Human Beings? Money? Travel? Possessions? Retirement? Yourself? We must each answer this question for ourselves. Every Atheist, every Christian, every Muslim, every Hindu, and every Buddhist, shall have to answer this question for himself.

My Interests

My sincere thanks go out to the great folks at Google for their decision to add my sometimes called "offensive, trashy, disgusting, and perverted profile" to their awesome search engine. Thanks guys,,,,,,YOU ROCK, AND YOU LET THE TRUTH ROCK TOO!!!

I'd like to meet:

I greatly admire the pin-up girl nose art used to adorn U.S. heavy bombers during WWII - in their dire contest for our "freedom" - and I desire my TOP 24 to follow this art form as nearly as possible. Can't you just feel the throb of the four massive engines, from each of a squadron of B24 Liberators - resplendent with their sexy nose art ( for morale! ), bristling with their ten .50 caliber Brownings ( for defence ), struggling to get air-born with a huge payload of ordnance.....bound for enemy targets? It's a well known fact that the female form has a calming effect, on males who find themselves under severe duress. Think about that while your leg bounces to the rhythm of my latest classic, and while you admire my friends. Then raise your right hand in salute to the young airmen who left those distant and forgotten honor of them who neither saw nor shared a kiss with their favorite girl again. They did, in fact, take a ride into the very arms of Hell, and they did, indeed, exchange their lives in a hope for this future that we now inhabit. So let us use this opportunity they purchased with their lives to actually endeavor to bring meaningful change to this, our country. The motto of the great state of New Hampshire is: "LIVE FREE OR DIE".....great words for every true patriot to live by, and hold dear.'ll never get a glimpse of your own future, if you don't know your ancestors past....and I can't stress this enough!! Fuck horoscopes, get your heads out of your assholes, and read your history texts!!!!!! I wish I only knew what it would take to wake America up from it's DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP, pathetic slumber!!


Classic Rock-in' Roll music of the 60's and 70's, and some of the newer stuff.


For the conscientious, thinking mind, I recommend: Aaron Russo's: FREEDOM TO FASCISM.....view it right here on my page. It's the second video down, and it's truly worth watching in it's entirety. If you don't like the way "your" Government spends YOUR money, STOP FUNDING IT!!!!!! It's completely within your Constitution right to do so!!


News junkie, Pentagon Channel, Court TV/Forensic Files/true crime, History Channel, The Learning Channel, Discovery Channel, National Geographic....anything which actually teaches something worth knowing.


Here's four, all authored by Bill Gertz, which I urgently recommend......1. ENEMIES-How America's Foes Steal Our Vital Secrets-and How We Let It Happen. 2. THE CHINA THREAT. 3. TREACHERY-How America's Friends and Foes Are Secretly Arming Our Enemies. 4. BETRAYAL. Also, be sure to read: COLDER THAN HELL - A Marine Rifle Company at Chosin Reservoir, by: Joseph R. Owen


Sometimes "Heroes" emerge from strange quarters. For example, Adolph Hitler's Reich-Marshall, Hermann Goering, did future generations a great service when shortly before committing suicide in prison (using cyanide capsules that were smuggled to him) he revealed an astonishing truth to the world. To know what he said, find his statement in my pages of pics, and read what he had to tell you, your children, and your grand children. History has an odd way of repeating itself, and the "leaders" of America today have certainly taken Goering's words to heart! Sad but true, Hermann Goering was far, FAR more intelligent than the average American "taxpayer" 1940....or today! American taxpayers are pathetic.....they have their God given right to bear arms, but not many of them realize that their true enemy resides within their borders....and not without, just like the people of Germany, Italy and Japan faced decades ago. What's the difference in the Nazis going into France, France going into Vietnam, or the U.S. going into Afghanistan and Iraq, and telling the citizens of those countries that they will now think, live and act like their conquerors? People absolutely DO NOT enjoy being told how to live their lives!! Just as it didn't work for Germany or France, (perhaps that was what France was trying to tell us....if we had only listened!!) why should we expect any different results??? Well....we shouldn't leave out of the equation that Shrub's grand daddy, Senator Prescott Bush, helped to finance Adolph a Google search, if you please...

My Blog

I give up....

.....the human race shall get exactly what it deserves......
Posted by Robert (Bob) on Sun, 06 May 2007 01:38:00 PST

I heard on our National News a couple of weeks ago....

......I heard that the Virginia Tech shooter should have just killed himself, and not killed anyone else!! Soooooooo....does that mean that every U.S. "taxpayer" should commit suicide.....rather than ...
Posted by Robert (Bob) on Sun, 06 May 2007 01:31:00 PST

Every country in power trys their luck

This is not a new story, not by a long shot. Each and every country in history, who finds themselves in power over all other countries, tries their luck at imposing their supposed, god given power ove...
Posted by Robert (Bob) on Thu, 03 May 2007 04:40:00 PST

We all need to keep the Virginia Tech shooting in perspective

History reveals that when Governments of our world keep and bear arms, that 100's of millions have died....and when individuals are given the right to keep and bear arms, in comparison, very, very few...
Posted by Robert (Bob) on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 12:46:00 PST

I honestly think....

I honestly do think that any future, "Commandeer in Chief", should hold multiple Doctorate degrees in the three fundamental fields of science, or at very least, have an acute understanding in these st...
Posted by Robert (Bob) on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 05:29:00 PST

Why care about your credit card debt????

Why should U.S. citizens worry about paying down, let's say, $40,000 in credit card debt, when each of our share of the U.S. debt is currently $156,000, and we have absolutely NO hope of eve...
Posted by Robert (Bob) on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 07:43:00 PST

Now this is sad, as well as hilarious

So, here's the latest plan for Iraq. President Bush and his boys figure that if they increase the troop level to a figure large enough to clear and hold certain city blocks inside Baghdad for another ...
Posted by Robert (Bob) on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 01:24:00 PST

The story behind the pic of the kamikaze strike on USS Lexington of 11-06-1944

This blog has been added to tell a bit more of what is behind the pic I have posted of the diving kamikaze plane that struck the Island section of the USS Lexington. When the men aboard the USS Lexing...
Posted by Robert (Bob) on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 02:09:00 PST

I don't think U.S. Taxpayers should be expected to.......

I don't think U.S. taxpayers should be expected to fund a never ending war in Iraq ( as we have in Germany, Japan, North Korea, Vietnam.......we now have troops stationed in 130 of the 190 Nation...
Posted by Robert (Bob) on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 03:44:00 PST

The Arctic Wolves, Fort Wainwright, Alaska

My heartfelt condolences go out to the grieving families of the 36 soldiers of the 172nd Stryker Brigade, the ARCTIC WOLVES ( Fort Wainwright, Alaska ), who lost their lives, and their futures, during...
Posted by Robert (Bob) on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 08:39:00 PST