erica ann profile picture

erica ann

Love me for who I am... not for what I'm worth...

About Me


-*My Services Are*-
hey, my name is erica
and I am GREAT at HTML,
CSS, FireWorks (Photoshop),
Dreamweaver, some Macromedia Flash,
and EVERYTHING a website
needs...and LAYOUTS i do for
and for FUN!!
♥remove the top banner♥
♥add a new banner up top with your name in flash text like I had...♥
♥Customize Pictures Page♥
♥layouts ♥
♥DIV layouts (like i have)♥
♥skinny profile ♥
♥cool picture slide shows♥
♥music players (ANY playlist)♥
♥radio players ♥
♥glitter text (ANYTHING)♥
♥falling objects (ANYTHING)♥
♥dancing lines♥
♥resize page ♥
♥cursors ♥
♥resize pictures ♥
♥just flat out fix your page ♥
♥erase logo and banner codes ♥
♥resize friends and comment pictures♥
♥center entire profile♥
♥image rollovers (ANYTHING LITERALLY)♥
♥enhance any picture and/or add moving sparkles, hearts, etc. ♥
♥add banner/image above profile/below Ad (ANTHING)♥
♥backgrounds (ANTHING LITERALLY)♥
♥contact buttons (ANTHING LITERALLY)♥
♥contact tables (ANTHING LITERALLY)♥
♥scrollbar ♥
♥scrollbox ♥
♥drop-down list ♥
♥extended network (ANTHING LITERALLY)♥
♥comment box (ANTHING LITERALLY)♥

My Interests



A Little About Me...
♥I am erica ann eggleston♥
♥I am 19 and a sophmore in college. I get good grades and have a strong drive for learning.♥
♥My future plan is to become a web designer.♥
♥I live in maryland----gayest place on earth...♥
♥I am definitely weird and crazy (when I'm not sad)♥
♥Alyssa is my bestest friend in the whole world!♥

♥i love to sing. especially when im driving in my car... i also love to write songs♥
♥I am very nice, I believe I am even too nice lol... I seem to get along with everyone and love talking to everyone♥
♥I hate people who judge others, for I hate to be judged♥
♥I hate girls, the ones who are all stuck up and fake and think they own the universe... ♥
♥My favorite color is pink♥
♥I am a very creative, artistic, intellectual type of person♥
♥I love to write poetry cuz im good at it lol... I hate poetry that doesn't rhyme♥
♥I love music and art... without them, i'd die!! lol♥
♥I have many problems lol- for example: Bipolar disorder, ADD, OCD,and Anxiety. ♥
♥I am very intelligent and somehow carry a strong drive for learning. Yes, im the nerd that kinda likes school...♥
♥i have taught myself html... I find it fun how you can create something so prettyfull from some stupid, annoying ass codes... don't ask... i love to make layouts for people...its like a little project for me everytime! lol♥
♥I also like to read sometimes, mostly about people in the same type situations I am in, only those who have it worse so I can feel like I got it good, or at least better...♥
♥Overall... I'm supposedly "the weirdest, but coolest chick [you'll] ever [meet]"...♥



You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.
You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.
At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.
You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.
You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily.
You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind.
A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.

My Mind's Betrayl

words are far too vague
to describe the thoughts in my mind
that are increasingly effacing
all of my dignity and pride

this mind i can't control
became the owner of my thoughts
that are making me feel worthless
blasphemous and distraught

the catalyst of my pain
and the adversary of my sorrow
the influence of my prayers
begging God for no tomorrow

my mind augments distain
for myself and for my life
it steals my effervescence
and it's killing me inside

ambiguous of the reason
as to why my mind is torturing me
but it's thoughts are now insiting
that only in heaven I'll find relief

It's so hard, but it's okay

It's so hard to be so far from you
I want so bad to make it through
My heart just wants to break in two
Without you
By my

My heart hasn't lost one beat for you
I've never known a love so true
You're my world, just wish you knew
Your heart
Is Where
I reside

And when we fight, I get so scared
Afraid one day, you won't be there
Like you could leave without a care
You can do
Than me

But then I think about those times
When it was us, just you and I
And all the things I felt inside
I know
We're meant
To be

It feels so good to know you're mine
When I'm alone, I know I'm fine
Though you're not here, you're in my life
and that's

You have my heart and I have yours
And I could never ask for more
Together we'll make it through any storm
nothing can
our love

Stuck Inside This Girl Who Is Stuck Inside of Me

I'm continuously breaking
Wasting away with time
Whats the point of living
If I'm already dead inside?

Scattered on the floor
Lie the ruins of my soul
The essence of a girl
You will never get to know

God I am pleading
Begging for your hand
Maybe you just can't hear me
From all the way up there

Please tell me I'm just dreaming
And that everything's OK
That my life still has meaning
And smiles do touch my face

Were you too among the world
That slipped away from me?
Cant you tell I'm not the girl
That I once used to be?

Im Yearning to get away
Yearning to get me back
Running in all directions
Dont know where the hell I'm at

Disconnected from the world
Losing all stability
Disconnected from this girl
Who I once thought was me

Goodbye Home

Time to leave
Say goodbye
Flood my eyes

Leave behind
All I've known
Deceiving smiles
My "some-what" home

My tears, they fall
I know I'm strong
, But what comes next?

Shut the door
Turn to go
Say no more
But goodbye home

I've Tried

Repeatedly breaking
when I'm already crushed
I've tried escaping
but the roads are too rough

These roads, they twist
like the knife in my back
I've tried every wish
but my life's unsurpassed

I can't turn back
time's released its hold
and just like that
It let me go
I've tried to hold on
but every finger's slipped
I've even tried God
but he found me worthless

I've tried to be tough
but I'm quickly losing faith
I'm about to give up
I've about tried everything

So, in the end
what is the point?
live and pretend
I'm not destroyed?

I've tried and I've tried
so what happens next
I've cried and cried
till there was nothing left

I am drained and I am empty
completely dead inside
don't waste your time on me believe me, I've already tried.

I'd like to meet:


is my life.

Wake Me Up From Reality

Bleeding all of my innocence
Crumbling till there's nothing left
Suffering more with every breath
Please save me

Her voice echoes inside my mind
Piercing chills run down my spine
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
She finds me
And somehow...

Silencing every scream
Haunting every one of my dreams
Repressing my escape from her world so obscene
Get me out
Of this girl
Inside me...

I am trapped in her pouring rain
Forced to suffer cold showers of pain
Flooded my soul, now she's wearing my name
Wake me up


I guess you decided to call it quits
when you started to treat me like shit
I've had enough, I can't deal with it
you've had your shot and oh boy did you miss

you can take it back, the things you said
but I won't forgive and I won't forget
you finally pushed me over the edge
goodbye boy I'm done with this mess

didnt work out the way we thought it would
just want you to know you lost something good
if you try to come back then you've misunderstood
don't need the abuse, I refuse to stay put

it was you who changed, don't blame it on me
you used to be there when I was in need
but lately you've just been watching me bleed
stabbing me deeper with every scream

im so over it, my tears have run dry
all my feelings for you, somehow have died
so i guess this is it, time to say goodbye
time to let you go, put our "love" behind

I cant comprehend how our love turned to hate
and that mouth of yours, I can't tolerate
you have said enough to devastate
apparently we're on a different page

it baffles me how we've come so far
how just like that you can break my heart
your words make it easy to be apart
I'm walking away without one scar

have no idea how you've come to think
that I will stay no matter what it brings
but I have much more respect for me
and what we had has become obscence

so screw it all, I'm done with you
you are gone, yeah we are through
I bet you're lost, don't know what to do
well how about this, fuck you too.

Dear God

dear God, I'm so sorry for all the sins I've made
and if I could take everything back I'd give anything
the pain's just not worth it, this punishment you gave
I'll be good, just take it back, take this agony away

I pray to you often, pretty much all the time
doesn't seem like you're listening and it's on you who I rely
so what am I to do if i can't even find that hill to climb?
dear God, will I get through this? is there any chance I'll survive?

Survive this pain I am suffering and this anguish I endure
fight this bitch inside my head and what she has in store
dear God, can you hear me? can't you see I'm badly torn?
I've had enough, about to give up, I can't do this anymore

I'm tired of living lifeless, living this nightmare
sick of being unhappy and done with being scared
in my mind, my life, my dreams, this girl is everywhere
can't say the same for you, God, because you were never there.


It’s hard to think that you’re ok
When all is done and gone away
I wish you well, I wish you’d stay
Don’t say goodbye to yesterday

It hurts too bad to turn around
Watch the life I knew crash down
I want to stay, I want to get out
I’m lost in what I can’t live without

God, Send Me An Angel

God send me an angel
or a miracle or two
break these chains restraining
eternity with you

So sick and so tired
of dealing with this pain
living life undesired
standing alone in the rain

I fight it, I face it
somehow i never win
I'm tired and wasted
so exhausted within

I pray to you a lot
at least five times a day
and not once have you God
ever offered me a change

It makes me wonder,
and it makes me think
when im falling under
am I just going to sink?

Nobody can cure me
Nobody but you
and it seems ur doing poorly
helping me make it through

am I asking for too much?
can this project not be fixed?
has the anguish just begun?
because I'm about to call it quits

Now the least you could do
is give me the strength
to give my life to you
rid myself from all the pain

I hope you can hear me
and I hope that you care
I hope you can feel me
feel the agony I bear

maybe then you'll know
the cruelty I face
and you'll want to take me home
take me to a better place

Just Go Away…

vibrations of fear
no space to breathe
choking on tears
I'm suffocating

feeling so scared
scared for my life
though I'd never dare
to pick up the knife

it feels that my mind
is about to spill over
she and I collide
each day it's getting colder

somebody sedate me
take away this pain
I think I'm going crazy
she's making me insane

tired of being stuck
inside the girl inside of me
all I'll ever want
is just for her to leave

she comes and she goes
but the agony, it stays
i take every blow
but the scars, they remain

everyone can tell
they can see it in my face
know I've been through hell
they know I'm not the same

I just want me back
the girl who I once was
that is all I ask
am I asking for too much?

I'm finding it hard
putting up with the pain
I'm falling apart
slowly digging my grave

the days, they pass
each one too alike
I have lost track
barely know day from night

I am far too numb
too numb to even care
I've been like this so long
just drowning in despair

I think my time is up
that it's time for her to go
been this way long enough
now I want to be left alone

when will she go away
just leave me to myself?
take with her the scars she made
and make her way to hell?



I know that you don’t want to stay
So just give up and walk away
You’re not worth my time of day
Without you I’ll be fine

I wish you well with all you do
Sorry that I meant nothing to you
Don’t worry, I can make it through
Without you by my side



♥--- Music-is-lovely ---♥



My baby boy, Travis ;)

My Blog


Cocaine   I have always had a strong belief in the philosophy that people learn from their mistakes. With my massive amounts of curiosity, I found it to be true for me. I learn best from personal...
Posted by erica ann on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 08:12:00 PST

The Hell I Went Through...

The Hell I Went Through My Story2005-2006From My Diary   Bleeding all of my innocence.. Crumbling till there's nothing left Suffering more with every breath Please save meFromMyself... Her voic...
Posted by erica ann on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 05:44:00 PST