About Me
The Birth and start of SoulCity and The Underground Dance Music Movement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>Eric “ Apaulo†Moralez was born into a family of accomplished musicians. Raised in LA by his father of the famed “ Los Freddies†mexican romantica band of the early 1970’s & 1980’s. His father who continues to run
His Chicano International Recordings Label. A label that was established in the early 1970’s and continuing to operate, with only minimal activity from it's label and now only giving help and support to those struggling in the latino music industry and operating out from Mexico's Capital. Apaulo’s mother
is an accomplished violinist… Grand parents where music professors of Mexico’s most elite music & art schools.
An up bringing in the surroundings of music!!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>In 1991 Apaulo's last 2 years of high school, and a journey through 3 different high schools (La Puente High/Nogales High and finishing at Walnut High), He knew his calling was from within the music, entertainment,coordinating,promoting from within the nightlife industry...With an immediate passion, talent and creativity, this had definetly created a new page in his book......>>>>>>>>>>>>&g
He soon began his quest to collect and educate himself on the music,producers,programming and the developing of his style on the turntables. Durring this time he was introduced to the underground scene in 1991(The warehouse era,"the Rave scene era")...The underground scene and its locations within the inner city was vibrant and the mixing of cultures and ideas appealed to him greatly."I immediately fell in love with the atmosphere, it's vibe, the city!!" "Music gave me a lot of piece of mind since there was a lot in my environment that was not stable. Music to me is therapeutic;
it raises your life's energy...If your life's energy is raised then music is healing..what more can we want."
With a vision in sight...he moved foward to make this vision reality!!With continuing support and contribution to the underground dance movement/circuit, Apaulo then started to form his own piece of the movement...It came to no suprise in 1992 that great things started to happen when
Apaulo started to support an already growing community and circuit in the nightlife scene. He then started promoting to groups of friends that he made durring his days in high school and party goers that where brought together with the right music and atmosphere.
This underground music promoted a sense of well being and radiated energy, which in turn is reinforced by the participants. This positive energy was expanded in the form of dancing and social interaction and gave life to a party and it participants. While one may think that only adults can tap into this energy and well being...nothing could be further from the truth as proven!!!!!
by the following...A new underground house foundation was born............
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>On a personal note>>Specail words from a dear friend and inspirational mentor*******************************Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there. To serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be but when you lock eyes with them, you know that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way. And sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, will power or heart. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless. The people you meet affect your life. The successes and downfalls that you experience can create who you are, and the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive them because they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart. If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because they are teaching you to love and to open your heart and eyes to little things. Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people you have never talked to before, and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you. Create your own life and then go out and live it. "If you take your eyes off your goals, all you see are obstacles." >>>>>>
Love, Chez Damier Prescription Music>>>>>>>>Apaulo " A man who lives, breaths and emulates everything that is beautiful about underground house music, it always speaks to me and it allows us to be free!">>>>>>>>>>>>>&g
>>>>>>>>>>>>>"All music formats and its vibe and expression of love has been a catalyst for my existence as a young and growing adult." (Apaulo.)>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>"Apaulo is unfailingly optimistic and incredibly a visionary, with personal vision quests!"
Considered a "rising star" within the dance movement community!!!! XLR8 MAGAZINE>>>>>>>>>>>>>
‘Life is a song, love is the music.â€OPEN YOUR MIND…
Apaulo's early inspirations & mentors>>All the record store's that where around at the time.
Beat non Stop>Steve Loria
Street Sounds>Frank C/Rafeal & staff
The Hip Hop Shop/Hex & crew
DMC records/Ron.D.Core & staff
Prime cuts/Lil Gee man good times!!what up in the N.Y!
Coconut Teasers afterhours "No Doz"
Dj Dan/Thank you for your time and inspiring words at 8 in the morning!! :)
Tony Largo many memorable nights starting with Candlelabra and Does Your Mama Know. WoW!!!Thank you and your cousin Lonnie from S.F Thanks for your demos.
Doc Martin/Sue Dread and the Flammable liquid nights/Mothership
Barry Weaver Techno Flight events
David Alvarado/Markem X/Joe Dread/The Middle Earth parties
Gary Blitz Thank you for the words of wisdom and amazing events!!!
Fabian/Andrew D/Danny Zee Open House afterhours
Marques Wyatt my Journey with you countinues..Thank you!
Ricardo Durado/Stan the man @ om laborties CIRCA EVENTS.
Reza @Go ventures Making history with your amazing events.
Moontribe & crew miss those very early days of the journey
Eli Star/ shit need I say more...Oh man miss you!!
Dj Omar.Wow!!I have always loved your style!!
Santiago Salazar/ Underground Resistance making it happen!
DR.Sisco and The Latin Underground Crew,your warehouse parties where the best!!!
The party crew days with The Cartel/ Kaos / Issues/ Operation X
The list goes on and on....You are in my heart always!!STAY TUNNED...AS THIS PAGE UNDERGOES CONSTRUCTION....