So. you want me to say something about myself.. well i could say that i am a spanish male that has a habit of whoring around turntables... or perhaps i could say my flavor of house is a twist of progressive, tribal, and tecky punches.. but let me start off with my name...for those who don't know me or for those who are lurking around for the first time...hi, i'm manny. okay so now that we have introductions out of the way... i've done my own lurking around and playing music. Kind of like a line on a piece of paper, first starting in new york and wandering into florida, i worked my way into a drawing ranging from house parties with belt driven tables to large national venues. my time is now split between playing out and working in the studio with the evrydaydowners, Interning at NBC "Maury Show", once in a while working for MTV, and on occasion i water ernie. when it comes to music, i can't really say that i have a pet peeve or a motto or some silly thing like that. but i do believe in consistency. you'll discover my styles have changed. i look at it as if music was a fine wine which gets better with age. Hopefully with age i dont lose my hearing or vision.