The Little Drummer That Could profile picture

The Little Drummer That Could

I should play God and just shoot you myself. -Maynard James Keenan Circa 1992 A.D.

About Me

My name is Ian.
I like music who likes girls who like music.
I also like books who like girls who like writing.
Anything of artistic value is amazing.
I'm a grade-A certified fucking weirdo, so don't be alarmed.
My hair is boingy and boings quite often.
And my hair shall live on.
So everyone, stop whining to me that I should get it cut.
That is all.


AIM = LateNightSonata


I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

She came to me.


Porcupine Tree
Dream Theater
Smashing Pumpkins
Gogol Bordello
Minus The Bear


Live Action:
The Silence of the Lambs
Pulp Fiction
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Little Miss Sunshine

The End of Evangelion
Princess Mononoke
Ghost In The Shell 2
Howl's Moving Castle
A Scanner Darkly
Actors Hugo Weaving
Cristopher Walken
Johnny Depp
Natalie Portman
Edward Norton
Comedians Sam Kinison
Mitch Hedberg
Jim Carrey
Woody Allen
Mel Brooks


Neon Genesis Evangelion
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
The Boondocks
The Venture Bros.
Video Games Banjo Kazooie
Silent Hill series
Resident Evil 4
Diablo 2
The Legend of Zelda


Vladimir Nabokov
Kurt Vonnegut
Chuck Palahniuk
Neil Gaiman


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My Blog

Boys and Girls of Today

My views on the teens of today: Boys         &n bsp;         Th e majority male teens of today tend to obsess ov...
Posted by The Little Drummer That Could on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 06:11:00 PST

This is how bored I get on AIM

LateNightSonata: back yet? LateNightSonata: alex: yes ian LateNightSonata: schweeeet bLONDY4787: WERE SLEEPING LateNightSonata: hey so am i bLONDY4787: this is her friend so shutup bLONDY4787: bye ...
Posted by The Little Drummer That Could on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 12:19:00 PST