My interest? Basketball.. lots of basketball"i LOVE NBA and PBA philippine league", I also Love to play PC games, online games, musics.. such as alternative rock, trance, club, r n b and tons of it hehe dependin on ma mood though haha hmp!!! i also fun of cuztomizin asian cars, from skirt modification to audio and stuff like that., .
Basketball " I LOVE NBA"
Customized Car
HoT WiRe
Create a playlist with this song on imeem
Timberland - The way I Are
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a walk n d clouds, nothing hill, chasing liberty, lord of the ring, scary movie, almost all horror movies, actions like too fast thing, uhm! wat else? matrix.. Boiler Room, Wallstreet, Scarface, Casino, Goodfellas, For A Few Dollars More, Hamburger Hill, Full Metal Jacket, Starship Troopers, Star Trek: First Contact, Waterworld, Blackhawk Down, Gorgeous, Romeo & Juliet (Lastest Version), Body Snatchers, Leprechaun in the Hood, Gettysburg, Last of the Mohicans, So Close, 2001, 12 Monkeys, The Abyss, A Clockwork Orange, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen oh! it will need another page if i keep on.. =)
not much fun in watchin tv shows ei.. =)
Confessions/City of God/Christian Doctrine/Hand Book of Faith, Hope and Love/Trinity/The Letters/The Abiding Gift of Prophecy/The Abomination of Desolation/Abraham Lincoln and the Union: A Chronicle of the Embattled North/Absalom's Hair; and A Painful Memory from Childhood/Absent Lord: Ascetics and Kings in a Jain Ritual Culture/Access to and Use of Vocational Education in Teen Parent Programs/Pagan and Christian Rome/A Personal Diary of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict/Jack Mason, the Old Sailor/Jack North's Treasure Hunt, or, Daring Adventures in South America/anything that give a lesson in life. =)
God, My ParEnTs, My FaMiLy, My ReLatiVeS and ThE TwO MoSt ImPoRtAnT InDiVidUaL In My LiFe IrEnE and MeG. "HeRoEs FoR Me ArE ThOsE PeOpLe wHoM I ReALLy LoVed And CaRed FoR"