the paperback mummy. [GBG] profile picture

the paperback mummy. [GBG]

I am here for Friends

About Me

i go by kait. sonovabitch. kat.
moosetrack brown. kaitlyn. vee.
[& that's just the half of it.]
i'm addicted to ranch wheat thins,
type 93 words per minute,
want to join the circus,
live to create,
& make analogies for everything.

i work at louis licari salon in manhattan.
i went to the fashion institute for a little
while, & live in brooklyn with my boyfriend.
i really want a pug who wears cute sweaters.

i get compliments on my makeup every day,
lack ambition,
smile too often,
& have become jaded.

a storm is coming.

my boyfriend, sonovabitch!

My Interests

i smile a lot.
mainly because of these things.

photography - drawing & painting - design & fashion - sculpture - befriending a new book - sushi with extra wasabi - writing - a perfect latte - stand-up comedy - european football - holding hands - walking in the same rhythm as someone next to you - live music - vinyl - cuddling - museums - singing in the car as loudly as possible - make-up - randomness - dancing - day dreaming - thrift stores - experiencing different cultures - granola - meeting new people - psychology - making music - people watching - streams of sunlight - cooking late at night - capturing moments on film - naked trees - wine - a nice pair of heels - late night diner visits - swingsets - waking up late with someone you love - cats - pugs - taking walks - acoustic - tattoos - theatre - thunderstorms at night - wearing other people's clothes - going on adventures - cheap vodka -secretly loving awkward moments - all types of tea - blood & gore - wild animals - scars with stories to tell - marlboro menthol - warm laundry - ESP - when dogs look like they're smiling at you - proudly earned bruises - fireflies - being warm - lipstick stains - running in the rain & singing queen songs - sea shells - creativity - laughing so hard that i raise my arms up in the air - cooking dinner with jeff - doing man-voices with my sisters & jordan - anything FILLED with passion; the simple things that make life worth living.

I'd like to meet:

random acts of kindness give
me hope for the human race.
prove that we are all not just
a bunch or morons.

please check out & add my art page :].


damien rice - denali - ray lamontagne - cat power - fiona apple - feist - devics - cursive - ours - radiohead - muse - boyslikegirls - tori amos - nightmare of you - wolfmother - midnight movies - buckcherry - amy winehouse - butch walker - david bowie - ciara - the higher - frou frou - ben folds five - paramore - idiopath - lynyard skynayrd - bright eyes - camera obscura - monsters are waiting... - the honey trees - pharoahe monch - modest mouse - peaches - brand new - pavement - cher - rilo kiley - bjork - thursday - blindside - julie odell - mika - coldplay - one true thing - ben harper - johnny cash - love drug - lydia - neutral milk hotel - the strokes - death cab for cutie - sinatra - sugarcult - yeah yeah yeahs - lemuria - silverstein - david mead - lit - regina spektor - incubus - queen - landon pigg - kate nash - madonna- the fray - bayside - hellogoodbye - copeland - jack johnson - him - say anything - mindless self indulgence - the dresden dolls - 30 seconds to mars - blondie - yellowcard - the cure - taking back sunday - atmosphere - beatles - emiliana torrini - poison the well - michael jackson - the used - elton john - metric - iron & wine - deftones - the starting line - boysnightout - imogean heap - lauryn hill - the hush sound - lifehouse - motion city soundtrack - jet - the shins - anna naylick - circa survive - the fugees - armor for sleep - the beach boys - augustana - pistolita - jewel - cranberries - aerosmith - falloutboy - chiodos - envy on the coast - billy joel - halo friendlies - new found glory - jeff buckley - billie hoiday - britney spears - harry conick jr - joan jett - louis armstrong; i like listening to my old french & italian records while cooking.

check out my boyfriends band!... ..


mostly foriegn & horror.
ones where people get cut in half.
ones where people fall in love & die for eachother.
little miss sunshine - shoot 'em up - lucky number slevin - v for vendetta - the illusionist - night of the living dead - life is beautiful - stay - eternal sunshine - the science of sleep - la vie en rose - the island - a bronx tale - donnie darko - the hills have eyes - freaks - breakfast at tiffanys - funny face - ALL disney - requiem for a dream - SAW 1&3 - house of wax - sometime in april - vanilla sky - garden state - the silence of the lambs - house of 1000 corpses - the devils rejects - nightmare before christmas - detriot rock city - american history x - borat - amelie - star wars trilogy - edward scissorhands - buffalo 66 - shaun of the dead - the producers - girl interrupted - boogeyman 2 - when harry met sally - a history of violence - me and you and everyone we know - thumbsucker - i ♥ huckabees - CREEPSHOW.


THE OFFICE - southpark - project runway - rock of love - the shot - family guy - conan! - chelsea lately - the colbert report - mindfreaks - european football - numerous dumb shit.


miss misery - my friend leonard - a million little pieces - rules of the wild - a girls guide to vampires - the silence of the lambs - memoirs of a geisha - the perks of being a wallflower - go ask alice - to kill a mocking bird - the power of now - sex drugs & cocoa puffs - a decade of curious people and dangerous ideas - helter skelter - the notebook - the lovely bones - the great gatsby - the outsiders - water for elephants - photography & art books - doctah phil.


grandpa mulvaney ♥.

My Blog

battle cry.

okay.  this subject is so drawn out... we hear about it every single day, to the point where it's annoying.  to the point where we change the channel, close the newspaper, and tune it out.&n...
Posted by the paperback mummy. [GBG] on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 02:47:00 PST

how to get rich.

i came across the epitome of contradiction a few days ago while sitting on the subway.  peering up from pairs of random shoes... dirty chuck taylors, worn in imitation leather boot after boot... ...
Posted by the paperback mummy. [GBG] on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 03:43:00 PST

self description?

so i'm sitting here drinking an arizona blueberry white tea.  i just turned off my record player, after listening to the breakfast at tiffany's soundtrack and then rocking out to some old bowie v...
Posted by the paperback mummy. [GBG] on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 07:54:00 PST

walking home.

wake me up wise by morning. i want to breathe the day. this is my final warning, keep all the clouds away. as i walk out of the subway, up the concrete stairs and out of the damp darkness into the b...
Posted by the paperback mummy. [GBG] on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:20:00 PST

do looks matter?

the timeless question "do looks matter?" is constantly being asked.  constantly being answered in falseness.  "oh, no... well, maybe a little.  but it's the inside that truly counts and...
Posted by the paperback mummy. [GBG] on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 04:15:00 PST

part of my admitance essay.

A small girl sits at the round kitchen table; the room smelling of cigarette smoke and pasta sauce. On her knees, she balances in a wooden chair, holding a small black stump in her hands. The girl's ...
Posted by the paperback mummy. [GBG] on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 07:12:00 PST

you're fucking beautiful! :D.

i was talking to my grandma a few weeks ago, and something she said really hit me & stuck.  she was saying how my great grandma would always say that she wished she had enjoyed her youth whil...
Posted by the paperback mummy. [GBG] on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 12:10:00 PST


the quality is shittastic.  i just took digital pictures of my drawings, a couple collages, and some of my b&w photographs.  maybe i'll eventually make a nice page that shows m...
Posted by the paperback mummy. [GBG] on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 01:21:00 PST


cross your name off a non existant list no face to put with the letters that mark you close my eyes, pour you out of my body i hold on tightly, i love too deep. consume me. and it's dangerous. failu...
Posted by the paperback mummy. [GBG] on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 01:24:00 PST

fantastically, courageously, with grace.

here is a peice of dialouge from me and you and everyone we know that i really happen to love.  an amazing film if you haven't seen it.  i need to live by this. _____________________________...
Posted by the paperback mummy. [GBG] on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 10:39:00 PST