i smile a lot.
mainly because of these things.
photography - drawing & painting - design & fashion - sculpture - befriending a new book - sushi with extra wasabi - writing - a perfect latte - stand-up comedy - european football - holding hands - walking in the same rhythm as someone next to you - live music - vinyl - cuddling - museums - singing in the car as loudly as possible - make-up - randomness - dancing - day dreaming - thrift stores - experiencing different cultures - granola - meeting new people - psychology - making music - people watching - streams of sunlight - cooking late at night - capturing moments on film - naked trees - wine - a nice pair of heels - late night diner visits - swingsets - waking up late with someone you love - cats - pugs - taking walks - acoustic - tattoos - theatre - thunderstorms at night - wearing other people's clothes - going on adventures - cheap vodka -secretly loving awkward moments - all types of tea - blood & gore - wild animals - scars with stories to tell - marlboro menthol - warm laundry - ESP - when dogs look like they're smiling at you - proudly earned bruises - fireflies - being warm - lipstick stains - running in the rain & singing queen songs - sea shells - creativity - laughing so hard that i raise my arms up in the air - cooking dinner with jeff - doing man-voices with my sisters & jordan - anything FILLED with passion; the simple things that make life worth living.
random acts of kindness give
me hope for the human race.
prove that we are all not just
a bunch or morons.
please check out & add my art page :].
damien rice - denali - ray lamontagne - cat power - fiona apple - feist - devics - cursive - ours - radiohead - muse - boyslikegirls - tori amos - nightmare of you - wolfmother - midnight movies - buckcherry - amy winehouse - butch walker - david bowie - ciara - the higher - frou frou - ben folds five - paramore - idiopath - lynyard skynayrd - bright eyes - camera obscura - monsters are waiting... - the honey trees - pharoahe monch - modest mouse - peaches - brand new - pavement - cher - rilo kiley - bjork - thursday - blindside - julie odell - mika - coldplay - one true thing - ben harper - johnny cash - love drug - lydia - neutral milk hotel - the strokes - death cab for cutie - sinatra - sugarcult - yeah yeah yeahs - lemuria - silverstein - david mead - lit - regina spektor - incubus - queen - landon pigg - kate nash - madonna- the fray - bayside - hellogoodbye - copeland - jack johnson - him - say anything - mindless self indulgence - the dresden dolls - 30 seconds to mars - blondie - yellowcard - the cure - taking back sunday - atmosphere - beatles - emiliana torrini - poison the well - michael jackson - the used - elton john - metric - iron & wine - deftones - the starting line - boysnightout - imogean heap - lauryn hill - the hush sound - lifehouse - motion city soundtrack - jet - the shins - anna naylick - circa survive - the fugees - armor for sleep - the beach boys - augustana - pistolita - jewel - cranberries - aerosmith - falloutboy - chiodos - envy on the coast - billy joel - halo friendlies - new found glory - jeff buckley - billie hoiday - britney spears - harry conick jr - joan jett - louis armstrong; i like listening to my old french & italian records while cooking.
check out my boyfriends band!...
mostly foriegn & horror.
ones where people get cut in half.
ones where people fall in love & die for eachother.
little miss sunshine - shoot 'em up - lucky number slevin - v for vendetta - the illusionist - night of the living dead - life is beautiful - stay - eternal sunshine - the science of sleep - la vie en rose - the island - a bronx tale - donnie darko - the hills have eyes - freaks - breakfast at tiffanys - funny face - ALL disney - requiem for a dream - SAW 1&3 - house of wax - sometime in april - vanilla sky - garden state - the silence of the lambs - house of 1000 corpses - the devils rejects - nightmare before christmas - detriot rock city - american history x - borat - amelie - star wars trilogy - edward scissorhands - buffalo 66 - shaun of the dead - the producers - girl interrupted - boogeyman 2 - when harry met sally - a history of violence - me and you and everyone we know - thumbsucker - i ♥ huckabees - CREEPSHOW.
THE OFFICE - southpark - project runway - rock of love - the shot - family guy - conan! - chelsea lately - the colbert report - mindfreaks - european football - numerous dumb shit.
miss misery - my friend leonard - a million little pieces - rules of the wild - a girls guide to vampires - the silence of the lambs - memoirs of a geisha - the perks of being a wallflower - go ask alice - to kill a mocking bird - the power of now - sex drugs & cocoa puffs - a decade of curious people and dangerous ideas - helter skelter - the notebook - the lovely bones - the great gatsby - the outsiders - water for elephants - photography & art books - doctah phil.
grandpa mulvaney ♥.