Member Since: 8/29/2007
Band Members: .
[ Vocals ] -- Ray[ Guitar ] -- Diego[ Bass ] -- 'J'[Drums ] -- Eddie
Influences: I wish we could list the endless list of songs that influence each of us musically but it will be too much to write and at some point irrelevant. Instead we decided to list the things and/or people that inspire us musically.[Ray]
- My partner in life
- My soon to be born angel[Diego]
- Writing
- My Life[ ' J ' ]
- The power of art
- The possibility of dreams
becoming a reality[Eddie]
Sounds Like: This is where we are supposed to say: "yeah, we sound like this band and that one and this one too and blah blah blah..."We've got a better idea...Listen to our tunes and let us know what YOU think? ;)fair, ain't it?
Type of Label: Major