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About Me

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This is a fan site. Yeah, I was in the band... but, I'm a fan too. Looking for information on the internet concerning ANGKOR WAT is difficult at best, especially correct information. I decided to give the band a proper headstone on MySpace with as much stuff as I have in my archives. I can't tell you how many times I've been asked, "What's Danny up to?", "When's the reunion?", "Where's Brinkman nowdays?" So this will be the medium that I will use to keep Angkor Wat fans up to date with what is happening with the former members of one of the most over-the-top bands of the 1980s. Enjoy!EXPLANATION OF ANGKOR WAT Angkor Wat is an ancient Buddhist temple in Cambodia that was buillt around 967 A.D. It was the capital of the Khmer dominion, which at the time extended into lands we now call Laos, Thailand and Viet Nam. To this day it has remained the most highly revered spiritual site in Southeast Asian Buddhism. When the infamous Pol Pot toppled the royal government of Cambodia, he declared religion and intellectualism outlawed, and in a ferocious, bloodthirsty manner began the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people who he felt threatened his plans; these included priests, doctors, teachers and anyone else he thought literate, including those who wore glasses. This slaughter began at Angkor Wat. Within its rich and spiritual history lies the essence of our humanity, as well as the evil of which we are capable. The band felt that these extreme contrasts of human beliefs and actions represent the power and emotion that we expressed musically and wish to pass this emotion on to others.

My Interests


Member Since: 7/23/2006
Band Members: + When Obscenity Becomes the Norm... AWAKE! (1989 lineup): David Brinkman - Vocals, Danny Lohner - Guitar, Adam Grossman - Guitar, David Nuss - Drums, Mike Titsworth - Bass+ Corpus Christi (1990 lineup): Danny Lohner - Guitar/Bass, Adam Grossman - Guitar/Bass/Vocals, David Nuss - Drums/Vocals
Influences: Life in the 1980's
Sounds Like: A whirlwind of sound
Record Label: Metal Blade/Death
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

What Dave Brinkman has been up to since Angkor Wat

Brinkman hasn't really been involved making music.  He spends his time working on miniature model cars and taking care of all those crazy dogs of his.
Posted by ANGKOR WAT on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 04:12:00 PST

What David Nuss has been up to since Angkor Wat is in the The Abrasion Ensemble & The No-Neck Blues Band, also known as NNCK, is a seven-member free-form improvisational musical collective from New York ...
Posted by ANGKOR WAT on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 09:14:00 PST

What Titsworth has been up to since Angkor Wat

After departing from Angkor Wat, Titsworth started the musical project known as PAIL. a recent interview with Titsworth at the below link:http://www.fabryka.darknat...
Posted by ANGKOR WAT on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 10:47:00 PST

What Adam Grossman has been up to since Angkor Wat

Adam Grossman was the guitarist and singer for the Texas Industrial metal band Skrew (see below), and the crossover thrash band Angkor Wat. Following Skrew's demise in the late 90's, Grossman later jo...
Posted by ANGKOR WAT on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 10:43:00 PST

What Danny Lohner has been up to since Angkor Wat

Danny Lohner is a musician who plays bass guitar, guitar and keyboards. He has worked with Trent Reznor on numerous occasions, both with Nine Inch Nails and on the defunct Tapeworm project. He has als...
Posted by ANGKOR WAT on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 10:28:00 PST